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Circulatory System Disorders, from Blood Pressure, Heart, to Stroke

Impact of circulatory system disorders. Photo: Ist / Net

The occurrence of circulatory system disorders will have an impact on fat on the body. Especially if the blood flow goes to the heart, brain and other important organs. Because it is important to maintain a healthy body to keep blood flowing smoothly.

The circulatory system is an important part of the body. This is because its very important role is to send oxygen and blood throughout the body.

Keeping this part of the body healthy will ensure that the blood is properly distributed. This is because blood contains oxygen and nutrients which are essential for the body.

So that when there is a disturbance it will cause the oxygen and blood delivery process to be obstructed. If the circulatory system is disturbed, the body will also be susceptible to disease.

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Types of Circulatory System Disorders

For anyone who has a disease caused by impaired blood circulation, it is better not to underestimate it. Immediately consult a doctor if a number of symptoms arise.

Because it is very important to know what diseases can occur due to circulatory system disorders. Come on, see the full review below.


Of course, we are familiar with stroke. Because stroke is one of the conditions that is very dangerous and can threaten life safety.

This disease occurs because the blood supply that should flow to the brain is cut off. So that it can cause paralysis, brain damage, and death.

Usually a stroke occurs because blood clots in the blood vessels that should supply blood to the brain. Therefore, for stroke sufferers to get treatment more quickly.

For a mild stroke, there will not be any serious consequences. But stroke is one of the most dangerous disorders if it lasts too long.


Hypertension is a disease that occurs due to circulatory system disorders. Usually high blood pressure doesn’t cause any symptoms in your body.

However, if you experience symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, nosebleeds and headaches at the same time, it could be a symptom of high blood pressure.

If we feel these symptoms you should immediately seek prompt treatment. This is important so as not to attack various other blood vessels such as the kidneys, brain and heart.

To be sure, of course we need to check with the doctor. Proper handling of high blood pressure can prevent fatal consequences that can occur.

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Stiff and hardened blood vessels can cause atherosclerosis disorders. This disorder can block the flow of blood to the organs of the body.

Atherosclerosis occurs due to a buildup of calcium and cholesterol on the artery walls. Atherosclerosis disorders can get worse if your body has high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Although atherosclerosis did not cause any symptoms at the beginning, if we let it, it would interfere with blood flow.

Heart attack

This disorder is also one of the most serious circulatory system disorders. Heart attacks occur because blood flow to the heart cannot run smoothly.

One of the causes of heart attacks, among others, is due to blood clots in the blood vessels.

There are several symptoms that accompany this condition. Such as shortness of breath, chest pain, body feeling weak, excessive anxiety and dizziness.

To find out if some of these symptoms are due to a heart attack, check with your doctor immediately.


Ischemia disease can occur due to circulatory system disorders. This condition causes the tissues in the blood vessels to not get enough oxygen.

Usually this ischemia occurs in the heart muscle which has blockage of the coronary arteries. These arteries play a very important role in ensuring adequate blood supply to the heart.

This one disease is not easily detected because it does not give any specific symptoms.

However, when you feel your body is not okay, check with your doctor as soon as possible. This is so you can find out what conditions you are experiencing.

These are the various types and forms of circulatory system disorders that we need to be aware of. Various diseases that arise are dangerous. Because it is very important to maintain health and smooth blood flow. (R11 / HR Online)

Publisher: Jujang

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