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15 Ways to Lower Bad Cholesterol Naturally, Without Drugs!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Cholesterol is a fatty substance that plays an important role in the body’s metabolism. These fatty substances help the body produce vitamin D, a number of hormones, and bile acids to digest fat.

If the levels are controlled, cholesterol in the blood is beneficial for health because it helps build new cells so that your body can continue to function normally.

There are two types of cholesterol in the body, namely bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL). LDL or low-density lipoprotein known as bad cholesterol because it has a bad effect on health if levels exceed normal limits. If cholesterol levels are too high, it can be dangerous for the body because it can trigger cardiovascular disease, especially the heart.

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

High cholesterol can occur when a person eats fatty foods, drinks alcohol, is obese, rarely does exercise, and genetic factors. According to research, normal adult total cholesterol levels are below 200 mg/dL.

If the results of a health check show your cholesterol levels are above normal, here are 15 ways to lower bad cholesterol naturally without drugs:

1. Avoid Fried

Cooking oil also contains a lot of saturated fat and trans fat which are known to increase blood cholesterol levels. Eating fried foods is actually not forbidden at all, but must be limited and accompanied by healthy and nutritionally balanced foods. If you still want to eat fried foods, it’s better to make your own fries at home instead of buying them.

2. Reduce Beef Consumption

In 100 grams of beef, there are about 12-42 grams of total fat and 78-94 mg of cholesterol. Although it contains high levels of fat and cholesterol, beef actually still has many benefits for the body, such as a source of protein, iron, and vitamins that the body needs. In other words, people with high cholesterol can still eat this menu as long as it is not excessive and consumes it in the right way.

3. Consumption of Olive Oil

The good fats contained in olive oil can reduce bad cholesterol. Therefore, if you like to eat stir-fry or foods that contain oil, use olive oil.

4. Reduce Saturated Fat

Saturated fat can increase high cholesterol levels in the blood. You should reduce the consumption of animal food products, such as red meat, chicken skin, butter, cheese, and cooking oil because these products contain a lot of saturated fat.

5. Eating Avocados

Eating avocados can be a way to lower cholesterol. Avocados contain vitamins K, C, B5, B6, E, and monounsaturated fats that can regulate LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, as well as blood triglycerides.

6. Eating Apples

The next way to lower cholesterol is to multiply the consumption of apples. Studies published in International Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2011 called consumption of 300 grams of apples every day for 8 weeks can lower high cholesterol. This is due to the polyphenol and fiber content in apples which are effective in eradicating high cholesterol.

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