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Cinema: 7 new movies to watch in streaming

Posted on Jan. 15, 2021, 11:36 a.m.Updated Jan 15, 2021, 1:01 PM

«Pieces of a woman» by Kornél Mundruczó

Revealed at the Cannes Film Festival by “Delta” (2008), “White God” (2014) or “The Moon of Jupiter” (2017), the Hungarian filmmaker Kornél Mundruczó is making his first American film. Vanessa Kirby (Best Interpretation Award at the last Venice Festival) plays a woman who rebuilds herself after a miscarriage while her couple collapses. t, A melodrama torn apart by the seasons and the waves of Boston’s Charles River as a metaphor for the life that goes.

On Netflix

« On the rocks » de Sofia Coppola

New York nowadays. Laura, a 40-year-old novelist, suffers to see her companion invest more and more in a job which leads him to frequent lovely young women. She takes it into her head to spy on her with the help of her father Felix. “On the rocks” is a delicious “allenian” comedy that marks Sofia Coppola’s reunion with Bill Murray. Seventeen years after “Lost in translation”, the actor is still so flamboyant.

On Apple TV +

“Mank” by David Fincher

1940, California desert. While writing Orson Welles’ first feature film, screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz, known as “Mank”, remembers his meetings with the bosses of the all-powerful MGM and his relationship with star Marion Davies, girlfriend of the magnate. of the press William Randolph Hearst… which precisely inspired him the hero of “Citizen Kane”. In splendid black and white, the director of “Fight Club” and “Social Network” recreates the golden age of Hollywood. A film that could never have been produced in today’s “dream factory” where formatting imposes its laws.

On Netflix

« One Night in Miami » de Regina King

On February 25, 1964, Cassius Clay intends to celebrate his title of world heavyweight champion with three friends: activist Malcom X, singer Sam Cooke and American football player Jim Brown. What promises to be a party will be an opportunity to reflect on the fate of each and the condition of blacks in the USA. The tale of a fictional night of four historical figures, actress Regina King’s first film unfolds a classic but solid realization in the service of a superb script.

On Amazon Prime

“Your name in the heart” by Liu Kuang-hui

Taiwanese director Liu Kuang-hui signs a beautiful, personal and delicate film about the love between two high school students in the 1980s. Jia-Han and Birdy fall in love with each other, in a country that has just emerged from the martial law. While the first assumes, Birdy, frightened, finds a girlfriend and rebukes him … More than an enlightening testimony to the evolution of customs in Asia, “Your name in the heart” turns out to be a great intimate film on the scene. ‘homosexuality.

On Netflix

« Soul » de Pete Docter

A music teacher dies by accident as he prepares to realize his dream: to play for the famous orchestra of a legendary saxophonist. On the threshold of the hereafter, he will do everything to come back to earth. The director of “Vice-Versa” and “Up” combines a realistic New York, the waves of its crowd, the cries of its sirens, the rolling of its subway … and a stylized paradise that is unlike any religion. As a Christmas movie, Pixar studios have offered us a superb philosophical tale with “Soul”.

On Disney +

“The Mission” by Paul Greengrass

In 1870, a Texan captain traveled across the United States to bring news of the world to people in remote towns. He meets a 10-year-old girl who has been kidnapped by Indians and decides to take her home. For his first western, Paul Greengrass, the director of the “Jason Bourne” series, finds Tom Hanks, whom he had directed in “Captain Philips” in 2013.

On Netflix from February 10


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