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Chelsea: Tuchel already wants Upamecano

Courted by Bayern Munich, Manchester United and Liverpool, Dayot Upamecano is also in Chelsea’s sights. And the arrival of Thomas Tuchel would offer even more chances to the Blues.

Dayot Upamecano on the start, it is undoubtedly one of the information that we see pass the most each time the transfer window opens its doors. Author of excellent performances with RB Leipzig, the French central defender maddens many European leaders. And for good reason, at 22 years old, one can imagine a monstrous potential for the player. Then his release clause set at 42 million euros next summer, pushes in the direction of a departure. And according to Sport Bild information, Chelsea are on the spot.

While they have just officially appointed Thomas Tuchel as head coach, he is already campaigning for the arrival of the French for next season. While the Blues have long been interested in the profile of the Habs, the arrival of the German, who speaks French, seriously increase the chances of the British formation on the file. However, be careful not to claim victory too early, the competition is very very tough. Bayern Munich, Manchester United and even Liverpool, all remain very much on the lookout for the matter.

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