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Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf: Digital festival for International Women’s Day

In addition to some city-wide events, some events are also taking place in the districts on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

The Girls and Young Women working group in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is holding a digital festival on March 8th. Because of the exceptional Corona situation, the participating girls’, children’s and youth recreational facilities are this time on the Internet.

The various offers and activities are often published with the hashtags #keinsystemohnemich or #keinsystemohneuns before Women’s Day on March 8th. They range from podcasts to neighborhood walks to working out a quiz. The offers and results are presented on the institutions’ websites.

“Focusing on girls and young women remains an important and central concern, despite the extraordinary time. The pandemic situation particularly affects the life perspective of women, as they often work in systemically relevant and at the same time underpaid professions, ”says Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf’s youth councilor Heike Schmitt-Schmelz (SPD).

For more gender equality

At the same time, women are particularly affected with regard to education and care for their own children. “In the end, gender equality is more than applause and public thanks, but must be measured in concrete terms against politics, perspectives and new structures. That is why we have to make it clear in 2021: The common mandate for equality will remain and has become even clearer.

The D3 girls ‘meeting, the girls’ shop LiSA eV, the Haus der Jugend Charlottenburg and the Haus der Jugend Anne Frank are also part of this year’s Women’s Day campaign. You can find an overview of all the offers for International Women’s Day in Berlin here.

Date: March 7, 2021, text: red., Image: iStock / Getty Images Plus / TopVectors

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