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Characteristics and Facts About the Planet Venus


We know of 8 planets in the solar system, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun after Mercury. Venus comes from the name of the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology. The planet Venus has another nickname, namely the morning star or morning star. This is because Venus will look very bright at dawn in the morning and evening even if seen without binoculars.

The planet Venus looks like a star because it has an atmosphere that can reflect sunlight. Even though it is not the closest planet to the sun, the planet Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The planet Venus has a temperature of up to 470 degrees Celsius. Venus looks like an active planet. This planet has mountains and volcanoes. Venus is similar in size to Earth, but Earth is slightly larger.

Quoting via Nasa, Venus is not like other planets, because it rotates in the opposite direction to Earth and most of the other planets. Venus rotates in reverse, so the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East. Just like Mercury, Venus has no moons. The planet Venus also has no rings or satellites. Venus is 108.2 million km from the sun.

The following are the characteristics of the planet Venus that detikEdu has managed to summarize through various sources.

Characteristics of the Planet Venus

1. Hottest Planet in the Solar System

Quoting from a book entitled Integrated Thematic Book: Exploring Outer Space (2021) Venus is the second planet from the Sun, but is hotter than Mercury. The planet Venus has a temperature of around 470 degrees Celsius. Detikers must be curious, why is Venus the hottest planet even though it is not the closest planet to the Sun? This is because the atmosphere on Venus is very thick and consists of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

Greenhouse gases allow heat energy from the Sun to travel to the surface of Venus. The heat will then be reflected and move back into space, but these gases trap the heat, so they cannot escape and warm the atmosphere. Something similar happens on Earth, where it is often linked to global warming. In addition, Venus has traces of nitrogen and the clouds on Venus are made of sulfuric acid.

2. Topography

The planet Venus has mountains and volcanoes. Quoted via Science On Sphere, most of Venus is covered by rolling plains. About 80% of Venus’ surface consists of volcanic land, with 70% of it being wrinkled ridge land, and 10% of it being smooth, grooved land. The remaining 20% ​​are two highland continents, each in the northern and southern hemispheres.

The first continent was called Ishtar Terra which was located in the Northern Hemisphere about the size of Australia. The highest point on Venus, Mount Maxwell Montes, is located on Ishtar Terra. The second continent, called Aphrodite Terra, is located along the equator and is the size of South America.

The surface of Venus is geologically still relatively young, around 300 to 500 million years old. About 90% of Venus’ surface looks like solidified basalt lava. Venus has more than 1000 volcanoes.

3. Opposite Rotation

The planet Venus rotates in the opposite direction. That is what causes the sun to rise in the west and set in the east. The equator on the planet Venus could be the reason why the planet Venus rotates so slowly. The equator has a speed of 65 km/h. This slows down by 6.5 minutes per day Venus’ rotation about the sun.

Venus’ rotation is very slow, requiring 234 Earth days to rotate once. Because Venus is close to the sun, a year on Venus passes very quickly. Venus takes 225 Earth days to orbit the sun.

This means that a day on Venus is slightly longer than a year on Venus. On Earth, the Sun rises and sets once every day, but on Venus, the sun rises every 117 Earth days. That means the sun rises twice a year on Venus.

4. Orbit Planet Venus

Quoted via Nasa, an orbit is a path that repeats regularly, in which one object circles another object. The planet Venus has the latest orbit in the solar system. Its orbital period is 224.65 days from planet Earth.

The shape of the orbit of the planet Venus towards the sun is round, different from other planets which are elliptical. This is because the planet Venus has a lower eccentricity than the other planets, namely 0.01. A figure of 0 in eccentricity indicates a perfect circle, and more than 0 indicates a parabola.

5. Climate and Atmosphere of Venus

The planet Venus has an atmospheric mass greater than Earth’s, which is 93 times greater. The atmosphere on Venus consists of CO2 and clouds of sulfuric acid, producing the strongest greenhouse effect ever seen in the solar system. Quoted on the Astronomy page, Venus most likely has the same climate as on Earth.

Possibly, Venus has oceans, rain, even snow. However, less than a billion years ago, the climate on Venus changed dramatically due to the greenhouse effect. Periods of intense volcanism pumped quite a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing major climate change events.

6. Internal structure of the planet Venus

According to Nasa, if we split the planets Venus and Earth in two, from pole to pole, and put them side by side, the two planets will look very similar. Each planet has an iron core enveloped by hot rock. On both planets, this thin crust deforms and sometimes erupts into volcanoes in response to the ebb and flow of heat and pressure beneath it.

On Earth, the slow movement of continents over thousands and millions of years will reshape the surface, this process is called plate tectonics. Early in its history, Venus also had something similar. However, currently, a subduction process is underway on Venus, namely the sliding of one continental plate under another continental plate. Subduction is believed to be the first step in creating plate tectonics.

7. Medan Magnet Planet Venus

Although Venus is similar in size to Earth, and its iron core is the same, the planet Venus does not have an internally generated magnetic field. Venus has a weak magnetic field, because, in 1967, Venera 4 discovered that the magnetic field on the planet Venus is generated from the ionosphere with the solar wind.

Venus has an induced magnetic field. This induced magnetic field envelopes the planet and takes the shape of an elongated teardrop, or a comet tail, as the solar wind blows past Venus and out into the solar system.

8. Quite Extreme Pressure

The pressure on the surface of the planet Venus is 92 times greater than the pressure on the surface of the planet Earth. This pressure is comparable to an ocean 1 kilometer deep on Earth. To make it easier for detikers to understand, try to imagine more than 600 kilograms of objects resting on your body, this is the same as having your legs crushed by a car.

Another way to imagine atmospheric pressure is to imagine being a kilometer (about 0.6 miles) underwater, with all the water pressing down on you. For example, someone who carries out a mission to explore the depths of the ocean, will usually use a special submarine that functions to withstand pressure.

Unprotected divers won’t survive, and can’t breathe oxygen from their tanks because of all the pressure pressing on their chests. Standing on the surface of Venus, it basically feels like you are being squeezed by the mass of the atmosphere above you.

Through the explanation above, it can be concluded that the characteristics of the planet Venus, namely the hottest planet, topography, opposite rotation, late orbit, climate and atmosphere of Venus which is larger than Earth, unique internal structure of the planet, weak magnetic field, and extreme pressure. That is the explanation that detikEdu can summarize. Hope it is useful!

Watch the Video “Molecule Sign of ‘Life’ Found Again on the Planet Venus”


2023-10-10 08:15:10
#Characteristics #Planet #Venus #Hottest #Planet #Solar #System

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