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Celebrity, Shabana Rehman | Do you think Shabana Rehman should be buried at state expense:-she left a deep mark

– He was a very special voice and did things that left a deep mark on Norwegian audiences, Vebjørn Selbekk tells Nettavisen.

Selbekk and Shabanah Rehman’s acquaintance dates back several years and during the recording of ‘Farmen kjendis’ in 2021, the two developed a close friendship.

Rehman has been tried pancreatic cancer in January of this year. Thursday morning she fell asleep peacefully.

Selbekk has already said that Rehman he supported it in the storm surrounding the publication of the caricatures in the Dagen newspaper.

Well, he wants you to have a state-funded funeral.

– Completely innovative

– It was completely innovative when it came to focusing on patriarchal structures in the immigrant environment, says Selbekk.

– When Shabana raised these questions 20-25 years ago, it was against the wind and at very personal cost, she says.

Selbekk not only refers to Shabana as a comedian and social debater but also as an artist in his work. With the use of satire, humor and a twinkle in her eye, she has contributed to many areas of Norwegian society that should now be honoured, Selbekk believes.

– Shabana Rehman was also an artist, the promise of the Mulla was the best performing art. He will be remembered for several generations.

– It is absolutely fantastic satire that he used, says Selbekk.

– Here, Norwegian society has a great opportunity to honor an important voice, says Selbekk.

Certificate of honour

Burial at the expense of the state is an honor conferred by the government. There are no rules for who receives such a funeral and the government makes decisions in each individual case.

In total, around 100 people were buried at state expense, of which only eight were women.

The last was Rosemarie Köhn in 2022.

These women were buried at state expense

  • Gina Krog (1916)
  • Sigrid Undset (1949)
  • Sonja Ludvigsen (1974)
  • Halldis Moren Vesaas (1995)
  • Wenche Waterfall (2011)
  • Grete Waitz (2011)
  • Kim Friele (2021)
  • Rosemarie Koehn (2022)

Source: Great Norwegian encyclopedia

Nettavisen has asked the Prime Minister’s Office (SMK) if they are considering a state-funded funeral for Rehman, but has not yet received a response.

– He went up the path

Selbekk highlights Rehman’s legacy and believes it should be honored by the Norwegian government.

– She was the first to climb the trail, and she did it at great cost.

– Although he lived a short life, at just 46, he achieved far more than those who lived twice as long, he says.

And he adds:

– Someone else has to take up his legacy now. But Shabana should be honored with this type of burial.

– He helped build the Norwegian society we see today, with humor and determination. I think a state-funded funeral is worth it, Selbekk says.

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