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Celebrities who won the Christmas lottery (and two who were about to)

The Extraordinary Drawing of the Christmas Lottery is at date to mark on the calendar for much of Spain, often without work or even being known for it defines whether or not to participate by buying tenths.

The truth is that the amount of money in prizes distributed by State Lotteries and Gambling is not negligible considering that, in total, they are being put into play this December 22nd over 2,500 million euros, which is why more than one keeps hoping to catch a pinch of what was distributed, as it happened bethlehem esteban in the 2010 Christmas lottery when the tenth player only varied in one number, the hundred, with the fat one falling in 79250.

Esteban is not the only well-known face who is also being talked about for having participated in the extraordinary Christmas raffle. In fact, more than one celebrity is already part of the Christmas lottery winners for matching the number played a few years. These are some of the celebrities who have won the award minus two, who didn’t arrive in time to buy the lucky tenth:

Queen Letizia

In 2014 the queen gladness had a prize of 12,000 euro by winning a tenth in the Christmas lottery that a former TVE work colleague gave him a very special number: your wedding date, 22504. The money earned by the queen would have been donated to an NGO.

Nacho Guerreros

The actor, best known for the role of the janitor Coque in the Mediaset series What is comingIt is one of celebrities who have been lucky enough to win an award in an extraordinary drawing of the Christmas lottery. As revealed by the interpreter from La Rioja in an interview for Village, the morning of December 22, 2002, the actor and his family started the day with the good news that they had hit the jackpot after purchasing the lucky number, 8103, in his hometown, the Rioja city of Calahorra, distributed by the Brotherhood of Santa Vera Cruz.

“I think, after so many years, it’s still there. Every December 22 is remembered“, Guerreros then expressed, who invested the prize in the purchase of the reproduction rights of the work bent over.


The singer, who participated a few years ago in Operation Triumphwas known on the social network Twitter for his particular prediction on the ending where the jackpot falls Christmas lottery. Indeed, in 2016, the second prize of the extraordinary drawing fell in his city, Valencia de Alcántara (Cáceres), thus the singer can say that, together with her family, she has historically been one of the lucky ones with a bonus from the extraordinary draw.

Indeed, the artist received another piece of good news in 2020 when was awarded in the lottery of the Childalthough this time the triumphant She had a little scare when she thought she’d lost her tithes: “It turns out that on Christmas Eve my uncle José always gives us a ticket to the El Niño lottery. Of course I didn’t hit the jackpot, but he tapped You Know What Happens.” I can find the tenth,” the singer said on social media, who eventually also reported on social media that she had located the tickets.

Mercedes Dear

What was a presenter of Big Brother He is also one of the well-known faces who picked up a big pinch in the Christmas Lottery Extraordinary Drawing after winning a prize with the ticket that played in 2006, while the eighth edition of the reality show was airing, together with his colleagues from the production company Zeppelin. While the presenter was lucky enough to be tagged, the bonus she received was pretty meager for a share.

Carmen Lomana

Contrary to what one might think, no, the Christmas lottery doesn’t always play where it is most needed. For example, a button. TO socialite Carmen Lomana smiled at her a few years ago with luck with a tenth of the extraordinary lottery that they had given her and that had been assigned to her. However, He was never able to collect the prize, as it expired before he knew it.

Charles Sobera

The current presenter of First dates Participate, at least until recent years, regularly in the Christmas lottery, buying much more than a tenth each year to have a better chance of winning a prize. In press releases, Sobera confessed to getting up to 25/10 in his wallet of the Christmas lottery, so much so that one year he even pocketed 300 euros in the draw thanks to the possession of more than a tenth prize with the stone or some approximation.

Carme Chaparro and Màxim Huerta, no prize

In 1999, Informativos Telecinco workers were awarded by the tenth shared by the Atlas delegation in Valencia. What was at that moment was the presenter of the news, Àngels Barceló, gave the news of the “lucky ones for the Christmas lottery drawing”, among which he specified that there were people from the house. “The number 65379 was sold entirely in Elche and it appears that the Atlas Levante delegation had bought it and distributed it among Informativos Telecinco colleagues in Madrid, although I warn you that I didn’t have it with me.”

As detailed by two well-known network personalities who were linked to Telecinco, Not everyone has received an award as expressed by Carme Chaparro a year ago in the program Los teloneros de Cuatro. “It happened to me once with Màxim Huerta in the Valencia delegation. I was in Barcelona and I told him: ‘Buy me a Valencia number and I’ll buy you a Barcelona one’. I’m late, did not buy and played the jackpot. Màxim and I, the only ones who don’t have the number, “she commented live.

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