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Causes of Embarrassing Body Odor: Diet, Dry Mouth, and Disease

Causes of embarrassing body odor such as diet, dry mouth, and disease

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As it turns out, if you have a disease, it can cause terrible foot odor, bad breath, and sweat. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Summer is the time to be more sensitive to smells. It is also wet with sweat and emits a distinctive odor from all over the body. Each person’s body causes a unique odor, but if it is not severe, it is difficult to recognize this odor. However, there are cases where the body smells after washing in the morning and evening.

Why does my body smell even after washing?

Some of our bodies smell worse than others. For example, when there is a decomposition process in the body, unreasonable diet, dry mouth, or a specific disease. Starting with the decomposition process in the body, a common cause of body odor is caused by intermediate substances produced during the body’s breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to obtain energy. If most of these substances are completely decomposed in the body, but some of them are not decomposed due to stress or disease and spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, they cause a unique smell.

For example, some elderly people have a musty smell, and the causative agent is ‘2-Nonenal dehyde’. Human skin secretes sebum to maintain luster and elasticity, and fatty acids produced by the sebaceous glands are oxidized and decomposed into peroxidized fat to produce nonenal. If fatty acids are not oxidized, they do not cause odor, so in order to reduce the smell of the elderly, it is helpful to reduce fat intake, increase intake of fresh vegetables, and take antioxidant vitamins.

Unreasonable diet and dry mouth cause

Excessive dieting can cause odor. When our body is rapidly deprived of nutrients, various changes in the body’s metabolic process are caused. One of them is to produce a lot of substances called ketones in the liver to secure necessary nutrients in the brain first. This gives off a strong ammonia smell, which is why you get body odor when you’re on a heavy diet.

Even if you brush your teeth diligently, if your mouth is dry, it can cause bad breath. In particular, elderly people need to be very careful because commonly used medications can cause severe dry mouth. Antihistamines, antidepressants, bowel movement regulators, and diuretics used for allergic rhinitis or skin diseases can cause dry mouth and bad breath.

foul odor caused by disease

As it turns out, if you have a disease, it can cause terrible foot odor, bad breath, and sweat. Thyroiditis, which causes hypothyroidism, often causes bad breath. This is because excessive secretion of thyroid hormone causes sweating in various places such as feet and body, and bacteria living near body hair decompose organic matter such as fat and protein in sweat to produce odorous substances.

If you have a liver disease, you can also feel bad breath like rotten eggs. Our bodies produce various waste products through metabolism, and patients with liver disease are prone to accumulation of waste products in the body due to poor detoxification.

2023-07-18 04:22:26

#washed.. #smell #coming #body

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