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Causes and Prevention of Pneumonia: Daily Habits that Increase Risk

JawaPos.com – Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lungs which is generally caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi or other agents. This condition can affect one or both lungs.

Symptoms of pneumonia can vary, but generally involve fever, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and the production of colored phlegm.

Pneumonia can affect people of all ages, but children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems are at higher risk.

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Pneumonia is usually caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. This condition can also be caused by a series of daily habits.

As reported on the Health Line page, Monday (22/1/2024), the following daily habits can cause wet lungs:

1. Smoking can damage the respiratory tract and increase the risk of infection in the lungs.

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2. Exposure to air pollution, cigarette smoke, can also increase the risk of developing pneumonia.

3. Exposure to dangerous substances such as industrial fumes or certain chemicals can increase the risk of pneumonia.

4. Pneumonia is often spread from person to person through small droplets released into the air when someone coughs or sneezes.

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Being near an infected person can increase the risk of transmission.

5. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and getting enough rest can help strengthen the immune system and protect lung health.

2024-01-23 12:52:00
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