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Caring for a Person with Dementia: Key Points and Tips

If you have a person with dementia at home, make sure the floor is flat and free of obstacles. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Have any relatives or friends around you ever been lost?There is no shortage of reports in the newsDementiaThe patients disappeared. They forgot their way home while walking, which made their families anxious. Dementia is a common geriatric disease that not only affects oneself, but also puts great pressure on family members. Dementia International (ADI) pointed out in 2015 that one person in the world suffers from dementia every three seconds, and many people may face the problem of needing to take care of family members with dementia.

For some elders with dementia, they may not only forget the way home, but may also not recognize their family members. Their memory is stuck in their most glorious years. Some people call their sons as their elder brothers, while others become like children who cannot bathe and eat by themselves. . When facing patients with dementia, family members play an important role. Communication alone is a major skill. Here is a brief introduction to the key points of caring for patients with dementia:

Patience and understanding, simple responses

Patience and understanding are crucial when communicating with someone with dementia. They may ask the same question repeatedly or become anxious. At this time, answer the question patiently and use simple, clear language to reduce confusion and confusion.

Expressions are also important when communicating. Don’t laugh at their questions because they are nonsensical. This can easily irritate patients. Maintaining a friendly facial expression and communication posture will help build trust. Usually avoid asking patients too many questions. They may feel angry because they cannot answer or need to think for a long time. You can try asking them to share memories or stories to continue the positive dialogue.

Safety of activities and environment

It is important for people with dementia to establish regular sleep, eating and activity schedules to reduce confusion and uneasiness. In the environment at home, make sure the floors are flat and free of obstacles, and medicines and cleaning agents are properly stored. Some people with dementia symptoms cannot identify what is edible and what is inedible. They may pick up disinfectant alcohol and drink it. You have to be careful when swallowing pills.

In addition, the problem that often causes family members the most headache is the problem of wandering. If they are not careful, they may leave the house and wander around the world. There are many ways to prevent getting lost. You can install hidden locks or sensors at the door of your home to make it more difficult to go out. You can also ask people with dementia to wear bracelets with their names and phone numbers engraved on them, or wear GPS locators.

While people with dementia may not be able to participate in high-intensity exercise, light physical activity has benefits for both body and brain health. Walking, yoga, Qigong, or stretching can help maintain body function.

People who are undernourished are prone to dementia. Pay attention to a balanced diet, including rich vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and sufficient protein. Many studies have confirmed that nutritional intake is related to cognitive function. In particular, B vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants are related to a reduced risk of dementia. Some foods and drinks may cause irritation or uneasiness, such as caffeine or high-sugar drinks. Try to reduce your intake of these stimulants.

Seeking medical treatment and taking medication

People with dementia often need medication to help control symptoms. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Dementia patients usually need medication to help control their symptoms. Family members can record the patient’s abnormal behavior on weekdays, the time of occurrence, and whether there are any side effects of the medication, and return to the doctor regularly to discuss it. Some patients refuse to take their medicines obediently. Currently, there are not only oral medicines for delaying dementia, but also patch-type medicines, providing a new choice for patients with dementia.

Caring for people with dementia is a challenging job that tests the caregiver’s wisdom and patience. Love and care are the biggest motivations for caring for patients with dementia. At the same time, don’t forget to take care of your own physical and mental health, so that you can take care of them for a long time.

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2023-10-28 00:06:43

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