Al-Marsad Newspaper: A lung cancer survivor revealed how he was cured of the disease by following a diet of starving infected cells, and then eliminating them.
The convalescent, Chad Hodge, from Italy, during his talk about his experience on the British channel “Dr. Berg”, explained that he was suffering from a rare type of lung cancer, and he was 15cm large in size, and after he is been removed and analyzed, it was found to be cancer, underlining that by overcoming it, and not spreading to other parts of the body, doctors considered it a “miracle”.
“Hodge” explained that he concluded from talking with doctors that avoiding sugar is beneficial in cancer cases, noting that he went on a mini-fast, giving up sugar entirely.
In addition to following a diet, eat salmon and tuna daily, large quantities of vegetables, salad and drinks such as green tea, as well as fasting for up to 24 hours.
And he said that several months after the eradication, the doctors concluded that the disease had spread to other parts of the body, but surprisingly, after scanning the images, they found that it had not spread, adding: The doctors decided to do ancillary chemotherapy, and he was very tired from it.
The importance of fasting
Hodge concluded his speech on his experience, which he called difficult, by emphasizing the importance of fasting in the fight against various diseases, the most important of which is cancer, indicating that Pfizer is looking for a drug that gives the effect of fasting on the organism , but without a decrease in its calories.