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Can those with rheumatic diseases stay in the sun?

About 10% of the population, mostly women and especially with the advancement ofage, suffers from rheumatic diseases. These are disabling and chronic as well negatively affect at work and daily life.
Many think that rheumatic diseases are triggered by cold and humidity, but this is not the case.
In fact, in osteoarthritis, humidity leads to a worsening of pain, because it modifies the pressure of the joints and the tension of the soft tissues.
With the arrival of summer and beautiful days a question arises: can those suffering from rheumatic diseases stay in the sun?
Contrary to popular belief, sunbathing is not a cure-all for all rheumatic diseases, indeed it can sometimes make the situation worse.

Can those with rheumatic diseases stay in the sun?

To experience the summer and have no problems, doctors advise everyone to limit exposure to the sun, and concentrate them in the early morning or late afternoon.
These tips also apply to those suffering from rheumatic diseases.

Let’s see the individual cases together.


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease and exposure to the sun momentarily relieves the painful symptoms of inflammation.


This pathology is characterized by low levels of vitamin D, therefore exposure to the sun is indicated precisely to allow the activation of this vitamin.

Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and spondyloarthritis

For these three pathologies, exposure to the sun must take place in the cooler hours, wearing dark glasses and sun protection.
As for psoriatic arthritis, sun exposure allows a gradual improvement of inflammatory manifestations on the skin.


Connectivitis include: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Dermatomyositis, and Scleroderma.
For those with any of these conditions, sun exposure can aggravate symptoms.


Sun exposure is also not recommended for gout. Prolonged exposure to sunlight causes dehydration of the body, which can favor a gout attack.


The high temperatures of the summer favor those affected by this disease positively. In fact, heat reduces muscle tension and stiffness, unlike winter where low temperatures increase the stiffness of the muscles and joints.

However, it is advisable to always contact your doctor for individual cases and for a reliable consultation.

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