Prevention of Electoral Fraud: The Complete Declaration of the Front for Change in Cameroon :: Cameroon
Since the return of political pluralism to Cameroon in 1990, the electoral game has always been distorted to the advantage of the regime in place by the successive structures in charge of elections.
Thus the elections of 1992 and the following ones until 2020 always ended in electoral results tainted with serious irregularities so much so that Cameroonians and the international community ended up finding it normal that the one who organizes the elections in Cameroon should not never lose them.
The creation in 2012 of an electoral body, ELECAM, aimed to ward off the long cycle of elections with results rigged by those in power.
If during the double municipal and legislative elections of 2013 the youth of ELECAM were invoked to cover the electoral masquerades, the presidential election of October 2018 and in particular the electoral dispute led by the MRC before the constitutional council exposed the The inability of the Cameroonian electoral system to organize transparent and fair elections whose results reflect the will of voters freely expressed in the polling stations. The abundant confessions of certain people related to the regime on social networks in recent times provide information on state fraud which distorted the final result of this election.
After the presidential election of October 2018 and the accusations of electoral hold-up brought by the MRC against the RDPC, based on reports from:
-The African Union ( &url= statement_cameroon_ english.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7k4XRg6aEAxVKTqQEHVwLB_4QFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1-6Y31WuMV-I4DDC1VG4S-),
.- The European Union ( &url= &ved=2ahUKEwiIhL rfhKa EAxXpUqQEHWHTC3UQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw17zpgE0SeTrGoz78cj4Fwn).
.- Some friendly countries like the United States (
-Civil society organizations such as the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon, (www. voaafrique. com /amp/l-%25C3%25A9glise-catholique-d%25C3%25A9nonce-des-manquements-flagrants-lors- de-la-pr%25C3%25A9sidentielle-au-cameroun/4609016.html)
.-Political parties and civil society organizations which led the fight for a consensual reform of the Electoral Code.
This fight so irritated the government that it arbitrarily arrested, tortured, detained and then illegally condemned hundreds of MRC activists under the false grounds of hostility against the homeland and insurrection. Then paralyzed all citizen action for a consensual revision of the electoral system.
The year 2025 is a crucial electoral year for Cameroon. The social climate in our country is so degraded, political distrust of the regime is so widespread, and the impact of the serious consequences of the ongoing unnecessary civil war in the North-West and South-West on cohesion national so negative that the country cannot afford to move towards new contested elections. A post-election crisis in 2025 could be fatal to our nation.
Faced with this analysis, the Front for Change of Cameroon (FCC), which is a member of the Political Alliance for Change (APC), took note of the carelessness and the totally partisan and irresponsible nature of the administration which is acting as an instrument of the ruling party, the CPDM, and prevents divergent opinions from expressing themselves freely on this vital issue of organizing transparent, fair and fair elections to preserve peace. Also, so that History remembers that it fulfilled its obligation to the nation for the preservation of peace, the FCC took the decision to confront justice and magistrates with their responsibilities, by triggering a series of procedures aimed at obtaining, by legal means, finally democratic elections in our country.
The first procedure aims to have Mr. Érik ESSOUSSE, General Director of ELECAM, convicted by the criminal judge for abuse of office and violation of civil rights. Indeed, the latter uses his function to prevent citizens from exercising their electoral rights, in particular, the control of the regularity of the national electoral list of which he is nevertheless required to publish it no later than December 30 of each year as prescribed by article 80 of the Electoral Code. This is an opportunity for the FCC, and by extension the APC, to welcome the legal initiative underway before the Mfoundi-Yaoundé High Court ruling in non-administrative matters, initiated by Mr. ABDOURAMAN Hamadou Babba against the even Érik ESSOUSSE who is accused of refusing to publish the national electoral list as of December 30. Mr. ABDOURAMAN Hamadou Babba’s approach is a citizen action which must inform the government about the level of citizen awareness in our country from now on.
The non-publication of this national electoral list exposes Mr. Érik ESSOUSSE to a prison sentence in accordance with articles 140 and 141 of the Penal Code, in addition to making the organization of any new election impossible. Indeed, even if it is irrefutable that the constitutional council is made up of pundits not yet really freed from the ruling party, during the next electoral dispute, it will be impossible for them to dismiss the FCC whose request for annulment for non-publication by ELECAM of the national voters list is already ready.
*The procedure relating to the violation of article 7(4) of the constitution by the President of the Republic who holds the elective public function of national president of the Democratic Rally of the Cameroonian People (RDPC), aims to compel justice and magistrates who will hear this matter, to summon Mr. Paul Barthélémy BIYA BI MVONDO to resign from the presidency of the republic to remain national president of the RDPC, or to resign from the national presidency of the RDPC to remain President of the republic.
He must do this before the convening of the electoral body because the FCC procedure to disqualify his candidacy is already ready. Furthermore, without having first formally resigned from the presidency of the republic, he can no longer take any action as national president of the RDPC, not even convene the Congress of this party to provide it with a new national president who would then be, according to its statutes, its candidate for the 2025 presidential election
*The procedure of usurpation of the functions of President of the Republic of Cameroon targeting Mr. Ferdinand NGOH NGOH, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic (SGPR) aims to restore the normal functioning of the institutions of the Republic, in accordance with the constitution and the laws. In other words, it is about ensuring respect for the rule of law at the top of the State.
12. Other procedures aimed at legally securing the organization of finally democratic elections in Cameroon in 2025 are underway.
13. Through these procedures, the FCC publicly acknowledges the impossible consensual modification of the electoral system through political dialogue. He invites the international community to do so with him. The FCC intends to remind magistrates of the capital importance of their role in preserving peace in our country. If they let their old and vile habits take over during the examination of these various current or future procedures, each of them will bear before history the grave responsibility of having, through a bad legal decision, took the terrible risk of setting fire to the gas factory that Cameroon has become after 42 years of kleptocratic and disastrous management by Paul BIYA and his CPDM party.
THE UN, THE AFRICAN UNION, THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE UNITED STATES, FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN AND ALL COUNTRIES FRIENDS OF THE CAMEROONIAN PEOPLE, of whom we willingly subscribe to the hypothesis that they are interested in peace in our country during the upcoming elections and the day after the proclamation of the results of the said elections, all know, through their various reports on the presidential election of October 7, 2018, that the BIYA -RDPC regime only resorted to wild electoral fraud to maintain his power for 42 years. They also know that Cameroonians are no longer ready, even in the face of tanks, to accept that power once again resorts to state fraud to maintain itself. Therefore, from now on, they must follow with particular interest the progress of these legal proceedings. Peace during the upcoming elections and the day after the proclamation of the results of said elections is now at stake in the quality of the decisions that the judges will render in these procedures. Unless the international community, and in particular the African Union, the UN and Western democracies, take a particular interest in the progress of these crucial legal procedures, it would be hypocritical for them to come and play ambulance after death if never, I do not wish, and no Cameroonian who loves his country can wish, possible post-electoral disputes with unpredictable consequences would break out during the various elections scheduled for 2025. A cardinal principle governs the maintenance of order, i is prevention. The legal proceedings initiated by the FCC aim to ward off the serious risks of challenges to the next results in our country given the established bias of ELECAM and the constitutional council, the serious political and social tension that the 43 years of BIYA-regime CPDM with disastrous results have created in the country and the legitimate thirst for Change which inhabits Cameroonians, all Cameroonians, including among the traditional supporters of the regime.
Douala on March 4, 2024
Honorable Jean Michel NINTCHEU
President of the FCC and Interim National Coordinator (CNI) of the APC.
• President of the Republic,
• Secretary General of the UN
• President of the African Union;
• Current President of ECCAS;
• President of the Commission of the European Union;
• President of the – Federal Republic of Nigeria;
• President of the United States ;
• President of the French Republic;
• Prime Minister of Great Britain;
• Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany;
• Prime Minister of Canada;
• President of the Senate;
• President of the National Assembly;
• President of the constitutional council;
• Minister of State, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice.
• DGRE ;
• SED ;
• Attorney General at the Supreme Court;
• First President of the Supreme Court;
• Professor Maurice KAMTO, National President of the MRC, candidate supported by the APC in the 2025 presidential election.