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Bundesliga News: No home advantage in ghost games | Football News

Football fans want nothing more than cheering on their team in the stadium. But what has changed since his absence?

Exactly a year ago, the first ghost game of many in German football took place. Thousands of fans cheer on their teams at the Rheinderby between Borussia Mönchengladbach and 1. FC Köln. On March 11, 2020, however, it was very quiet in the stands in Borussia-Park. The game took place behind closed doors, and many more have been added to this day. In this first Bundesliga ghost game, the home side from Mönchengladbach won 2-1. But how has the balance sheet of the home teams changed in times of Corona?

No fans – no home advantage?

Without fans cheering on their own team, there is actually no home advantage. That would be a logical consequence; the facts and figures confirm this. In this 2020/21 season, the home teams only recorded a victory rate of 37.7 percent. The second worst season in terms of home success rate is the preseason. At that time, the Bundesliga teams won an average of two out of five home games. Both seasons took place partially without spectators in the stadiums, which was reflected in the home advantage.

The point average of the home teams confirms this. So far they have only scored 1.42 points per game this season. In the previous season it was also a meager 1.43 points per game. For comparison: the lowest value in this category came from the 1990/91 season until the last two seasons. At that time, home teams in the Bundesliga scored 1.55 points per game. That’s a huge leap.

With and without Corona within one season

The connection between ghost games and home advantage can best be illustrated in the division of the 2019/20 season. Before the corona crisis occurred in German football, the teams won on the home turf significantly more often on average than after the restart, as the following table illustrates.

Home balance – Bundesliga 2019/20 before and after Corona

Season Siegquote Points per game
2019/20 pre Corona 43,3% 1,52
2019/20 post Corona 31,7% 1,18

Professional football is a different sport since the spectators stopped streaming into the stadium. In any case, the professionals lack the direct exchange with the fans in and around the stadium, as goal scorer Nils Petersen from SC Freiburg explained. “I used to see 20 flags and 48 jerseys at Littenweiler train station near the stadium at eleven thirty. You knew that today you can make people happy,” he said.

The advantage of playing in the stadium without fans

But for scorer like Petersen, the ghost games even bring an advantage, at least if you look at the numbers. Never since the detailed data collection in 2004/05 has the chances of the home teams been as good as in this Bundesliga season. 16.3 percent of all opportunities are used in the home stadium. The players need very few opportunities to do this this season. Hosts develop an average of 12.7 chances per game. The previous low dates from the 2016/17 season with 13.5 shots on goal per game.

However, there have been fewer goals since the start of the ghost games. The players just need fewer chances to convert them into countable things. One possible reason for this could be that there is less immediate pressure on the players. It may be an extra portion of motivation for Petersen and Co; but when thousands of fans in the stadium expect you to shove the ball into the goal, a player’s nerves can fail.

* (Data source: OPTA)

More about the author Patrick Steinle

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