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Brussels gets the largest mural in Europe

Real estate agency AG Real Estate owns the IT tower and wants to literally and figuratively leave its mark on the neighborhood with the project. And that is the least you can say about the wall drawing.

Although the term giant sticker is actually more accurate. Because the whole right side of the tower is covered. That has been a real feat, says Olivier Geelhand of Promo Signs, the company that produces the stickers. “The entire surface is divided into carefully numbered squares. What we do is create a huge puzzle in which we print each piece separately on vinyl stickers. We work on the technical tower of the building, three facades that are 95 meters high and fifteen meters wide. Converted to an area of ​​approximately 4,000 m² that is covered with more than a thousand stickers. “

Watch the report about the work and the conversation with the makers in “Het Journaal” (read more below the video):

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