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Breakdown in delivery of corona vaccine from AstraZeneca in MV | NDR.de – news

Status: 02/16/2021 6:52 p.m.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there has apparently been a breakdown with the AstraZeneca corona vaccine. In some cases it may have been delivered too cold.

7,200 vaccine doses from AstraZeneca arrived in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Monday. The vaccine must be delivered in the range of plus two to plus eight degrees. In some cases, the temperature was said to have been lower when they were delivered to the vaccination centers, the Ministry of Health said. As a result, vaccinations were suspended as a precaution.

How many doses have already been vaccinated?

Further information

The virologist says: Only if Germany also relies on the AstraZeneca funds can one get out of the pandemic early. more

Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) called for a quick clarification. Hospitals and vaccination centers are informed. Many questions are still open, for example whether and, if so, how many of the cans have already been inoculated. The responsible body for drug monitoring is now being clarified as to whether the vaccine can continue to be used despite the fact that it may be stored too cool. Until then he is – as it is said – in quarantine storage.

Johnson & Johnson applies for vaccine approval

In the meantime, the US manufacturer Johnson & Johnson has applied for approval for its corona vaccine in the EU. The European Medicines Agency wants to examine the vaccine by mid-March and make a decision. It would be the fourth corona vaccine with conditional marketing authorization for the European Union. The vaccine from Johnson & Johnson has a special feature: one dose is expected to be sufficient for immunization. All other vaccines currently in use must be injected twice.

Further information

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Everything you need to know about the corona restrictions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which have been extended until March 7th. more

Two policemen walk down a lighted path.  © picture alliance / dpa / dpa-Zentralbild Photo: Robert Michael

The residents are no longer allowed to leave their homes at night without a specific reason. All Corona news from Tuesday to read in the blog. more

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 02/16/2021 | 7:00 p.m.

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