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Bizarre accident: British farmer killed by runaway water buffalo

Presumably it concerns a farmer and his son. A 22-year-old woman was also injured in the leg in the attack. The fatal accident happened on Tuesday afternoon in the village of Gwehelog in Wales.

Local residents say the water buffalo went wild and took the people on the horns. The farmer died on the spot. The water buffalo has been ‘destroyed’, reports the local police.

Buffalo mozzarella

Neighbors of the killed farmer say they are shocked by the accident. According to The Guardian, there are several farmers in the area who keep water buffaloes to make cheese or soap from their milk.

Despite their large horns, water buffaloes are normally tame animals, which are mainly used as pack animals in Asia. In Europe, the animals are mainly kept for their milk. It is creamier than cow’s milk and can be used to make cheese, such as buffalo mozzarella.

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