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This is a friend of the Messenger of Allah who once met the Dajjal, what’s the story?


The name of the friend of the prophet he met Dajjal is Tamim Ad Daariy. The story of his meeting is immortalized in the story of the Muslim hadith n. 2942 Chapter Quissotul Jasasah.

To quote Dr. KH. Rachmat Morado Sugiarto inside Final jurisprudence, at the time of the prophet himself there were two people who were identified as Dajjal. First, a boy of Jewish descent with the characteristics of the Antichrist and the second is a figure encountered in the story of Tamim Ad Daariy.

At that time, Tamim was traveling on an island. Along the way, Tamim saw a strange animal from which he called himself a spy Al Jassah.

The story of Tamim’s encounter with the Dajjal was told by Rasulullah SAW to his friends while praying in the congregation. Rasulullah SAW sat on the pulpit and asked, “Do you know why I gathered you?”

“Allah and His Messenger know best,” answered the companions quoted by Kitab Fitnah: Muslim Seri Mukhtashar Sahih from Imam Abu Husain Muslim bin Hajjaj al Qusyairi An-Naisabur.

Then the prophet SAW said, “For God’s sake, I am not gathering you for giving you good news or sad news.

I picked you up because Tamim Ad Daariy, a man who was originally a Christian, came to swear allegiance and convert to Islam. He has transmitted something that is in accord with what I have transmitted to you about the Dajjal. “

According to the Prophet’s story, Tamim was riding a boat with 30 men of the tribe Lakhm And Judzam. During the month’s trip, ocean waves hit their boat.

They stopped on an island to the west. They sat on top of the boat and finally managed to enter the island.

Later, they encountered a creature with such thick fur that it was impossible to distinguish between the front and back. They also asked, “Who are you, O hairy creature?”

The hairy creature replied, “I am Al Jassah. “

They asked again: “Is Jassasah That?”

The creature said, “Humans, go to a man in a monastery, because he expects news from you.”

Upon hearing this, their group immediately left the place because they thought the strange creature was a demon. Until they finally entered the island.

Suddenly they met a very large person in a monastery. Tamim himself admitted that he has never seen such a large and robust person. This being is who he claims to be Dajjal.

The man’s hands were chained around his neck and his legs were chained with iron between the knees and ankles. The Tamim group asked: “Who are you?”

The creature replied, “You haven’t already gotten some information about me, so now tell me who you really are?”

Tamim and his group replied: “We are people from Arabia. We crossed the sea by boat. Then we were taken to the middle of the sea when the waves started to rise.”

They also related the encounter with the strange animal to the giant creature.

The man from the monastery then asked them: “O boatman, tell me about the Baisan palm grove?”

Tamim’s entourage replied, “What are you asking for?”

The man replied, “I asked you about the date palm, did it bear fruit?”

We replied: “Yes. The date palm has borne fruit.” The man actually said the date palm would soon bear fruit. Then he asked again, “Tell me about Lake Tabariyyah?”

Tamim’s entourage asked: “What are you asking us?”

The man said, “Does the lake have water?”

It was explained to the man of the monastery that there was a lot of water in the lake. However, the man still said the lake water would run out.

Then the man asked again, “Tell me about a prophet, God’s messenger who is an ummi, what did he do?”

The Tamim group replied, “The Prophet left the city of Mecca and settled in the city of Yathrib (Medina).”

The man asked again: “Is the prophet hostile to the Arabs?” And then he replied with: “Yes, he is always hostile to Arabs.”

The man kept asking, “How did the prophet treat them?”

Then it was explained that the Prophet Muhammad in question had managed to spread his da’wah. Until the man from the monastery answered for a long time explaining who he was. This also explains why he knows the future.

“It would be better if the Arabs obeyed. Now, okay, I’ll tell you about myself! Truly I am Dajjal’s Messiah and soon I will be allowed out. After that, I will explore the world until there is no village. stopped for forty nights, except the cities of Mecca and Thaybah (Medina).

I was prevented from entering the two cities. Whenever I attempted to enter one of them, an angel would freeze me ready with a sword in hand. Meanwhile, in every corner of the city of Mecca and Medina there are different angels who guard it “.

This is the story of friends who met Dajjal. The story is a guide for Muslims to study the existence of creatures that are a sign of the Day of Judgment. God bless you.

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