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Biological fertilization – Tips for my garden


Fertilization is an agricultural technique that is carried out to provide fertilizers to our plants in order to increase the amount of nutrients present in the soil in order to guarantee nutrition during the development of the plants. This fertilization technique changes the chemical properties of the soil for the needs of the plants. It is important to know that, unlike correction, the pH does not change with fertilization. There are several types of fertilization, or rather, several ways of administering fertilizer to the soil in which we grow our plants. There is no real classification of fertilizations but they are distinguished from each other by the method of execution, by the fertilizers used and by the results obtained. It must be said that not all types of plants need fertilizers to develop to their fullest, many are able to cope with difficulties alone without the addition of chemical or fertilizer properties. Among the various fertilization methods, in this article, we focus on organic fertilization.

Biological fertilization

The word “organic” refers to something existing in nature and not created artificially, in fact organic fertilizer is a type of fertilizer of natural origin composed of elements derived from substances from the plant and animal world. In agriculture, when we talk about organic crops, we refer to all plants that are grown without the use of chemicals for their growth. Organic fertilizers are the most used in the field of cultivation given the use of fertilizers obtained solely and exclusively from substances existing in nature and not from chemical reactions. These types of fertilization are more and more widespread especially for the cultivation of plants that give life to the fruits that humans eat. But unfortunately not everyone is aware that chemical fertilizations that are carried out on plants can cause damage to humans and animals that ingest the fruits that these plants produce. You can also make organic fertilizations for seedlings in orchards or gardens, for self-cultivation it is possible to use both organic fertilizers that can be purchased in specialized stores and fertilizers made with the do-it-yourself method.

Fertilizer characteristics

There are numerous ways to prepare organic fertilizers to administer to our plants and each of them contains advantages or disadvantages. The three main categories in which they are grouped are: animal, vegetable and mixed. In order to use each of these fertilizers, it is necessary to know in depth the characteristic properties that these substances contain. Organic fertilizers of animal origin can be manure, cattle slurry and blood of dried slaughterhouse animals. Any substance or compound that has properties that can alter the quality of the soil in a positive or negative sense. Manure, for example, is considered the fertilizer par excellence, it is a panacea for the garden or orchard. The manure is obtained by mixing the excrement of farm animals and, once accumulated, it must be allowed to macerate for a while. The most widely used both in terms of quantity and cost is cattle manure, horse manure is much rarer. Wastewater, on the other hand, can have a negative effect and harm the environment. If used as a fertilizer, sewage can pollute and damage groundwater. Leaving this aside, this fertilizer does not always have a positive action on plants because most of the time it releases an element such as nitrogen (important for root growth) and distributes others. Wastewater, on the other hand, can have a negative effect and harm the environment. If used as a fertilizer, sewage can pollute and damage groundwater. Leaving this aside, this fertilizer does not always have a positive action on plants because most of the time it releases an element such as nitrogen (important for root growth) and distributes others. Wastewater, on the other hand, can have a negative effect and harm the environment. If used as a fertilizer, sewage can pollute and damage groundwater. Leaving this aside, this fertilizer does not always have a positive action on plants because most of the time it releases an element such as nitrogen (important for root growth) and distributes others.

Compost, green manure, wood ash and pomace belong to the category of organic plant fertilizers. Compost is a good fertilizer if it is prepared exclusively with elements of plant origin. Compost is obtained by recycling the organic waste that we produce daily, collecting all food and vegetable waste in a container. After a few days, the bacteria will break down the organic substances and give life to a compost rich in important nutrients for plants. The compost not only serves for the nutrition of the plants but also makes them more resistant to survive the adversities that arise. Some compost materials, such as coffee, also act as protection against insect attacks. Pomace, on the other hand, is a substance that is obtained from the residues of olive oil processing. As for mixed fertilizers, of which compost is also part, we mention another: excrement. Manure is a fertilizer obtained from volatile animal feces, but feces must be industrially treated. What is derived from it is dried and reduced to granules, which are then distributed in the cultivated fields. Manure contains a good percentage of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These are then distributed in the fields of cultivation. Manure contains a good percentage of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These are then distributed in the fields of cultivation. Manure contains a good percentage of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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