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Billy Porter reveals HIV diagnosis after years of silence

American actor Billy Porter revealed his positive diagnosis for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (VIH) after 14 years of silence.

The Emmy Award winner was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter about your medical condition.

“It was 2007, the worst year of my life. I was on the brink of darkness for about a decade, but 2007 was the worst. In February, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In March, I signed the bankruptcy papers. And in June, I was diagnosed VIH positive”,

said Porter to The Hollywood Reporter.

Porter, who is also a musician, stated that he withheld the information from his mother and reserved it for those who absolutely needed to know. “I was trying to have a life and a career, and I wasn’t sure I could do it if the wrong people found out.”, he expressed.

He revealed that he found out about the diagnosis by chance, when he went to the doctor to treat an abscess and they offered him a test of VIH for $ 10, which he accepted.

“I got tested every six months, like I was supposed to. So I went in, my pimple was drained and I got tested, and then the doctor came back and looked at me. I was like, ‘What?’ He sat down and I said: ‘Not. Nooo ‘. And he said: ‘Your test came back positive’“,

he told in his interview.

COVID-19 and therapies

He and her husband, Adam Smith, rented a house on Long Island when the pandemic started. Coronavirus Disease 2019">COVID-19 to protect Porter, who is most vulnerable to the coronavirus coronavirus 2">SARS-CoV-2 for having a pre-existing medical condition.

Billy Porter also reported that has been in therapy for years to attend to the trauma caused by his diagnosis of VIH positive.

“COVID created a safe space to stop, reflect, and deal with the trauma in my life.”, he assured. He also explained that he has received therapies since he was 25 years old.

But in the last year, I started real trauma therapy to start the healing process. I started to shed layers: having been sent to a psychologist at 5 years old because I came out of the womb as a great queen; having been sexually abused by my stepfather from the age of 7 to the age of 12; having come out of the closet at 16 in the midst of the AIDS crisis “,

revealed Porter to The Hollywood Reporter.

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