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Big Star Wars Battle Text Box: KOTOR On Switch ‘Intended’

Foto: Aspyr

if you enjoy Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic On Nintendo Switch this weekend, one thing you’ve no doubt noticed is the huge battle text box that appears when you’re involved in a battle.

Many players initially thought it was a bug, but Aspyr – the developer behind this version of BioWare’s legendary RPG – seems to have fixed it as intended. The Aspyr Community Manager explained this in detail disagreement (via p/couture):

Hey guys! I hope you like the game already. The battle text box is the intended behavior, but we’re always happy to hear feedback from players! You can send it to our development team at [email protected] or by submitting an application to ondersteuning.aspyr.com. Thank you so much for your support!”

To clarify, the same Aspyr team member explained how this box was also the intended dimensions:

“I asked about the size of the text box and as far as I know it was intended.”

Star Wars: KOTOR op Switch (Foto: Aspyr/Nintendo Life)

Players now ask Aspyr to “fix” it by introducing more speech bubble sizes or by disabling them in the options menu. But again, if you find it a problem, let the Aspyr development team know.

And for anyone curious, here’s our screenshot from an old version on Steam – the battle text box is less obvious:

Star Wars: KOTOR on Steam (PC)
Star Wars: KOTOR on Steam (PC) (Foto: Nintendo Live)

Other than this, Apsyr’s latest Star Wars launch has done relatively well and outperforms the previous Switch version. Star Wars: Republic Commandowho witnessed Lots of problems at startup. Aside from the text box, how do you find KOTOR on Switch so far? And if you haven’t played what is considered one of the best RPGs ever, then Check out our review.

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