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Beware of the Quiet Peril: 7 Red Flags for Diabetes, Even in Youth or Thin Individuals.

Diabetes is actually a disease that can happen to all genders and ages. Young people tend to be careless. because they may think that only older people are at risk Another case is someone who is thin. but high blood sugar levels can be at risk of diabetes It’s not just that you have to be fat. to be at risk This disease is considered a silent threat. because it causes the system in the body to change gradually without our knowledge

🤔 Want to know if you are at risk of diabetes?

Dr. Peeradon Wiphatawat, an endocrinologist and metabolic specialist on the MoDee app, recommends checking 7 warning signs that our body may be at risk of diabetes as follows:

7 early warning signs of diabetes

1. Very frequent urination

👉 because of high blood sugar When more sugar is filtered out through the urine The kidneys must also draw water out. make urination more frequent and often have to wake up to go to the bathroom at night, may have symptoms of thirst due to frequent urination The body therefore needs water to compensate.

2. Often hungry, eat more than usual

👉 Because the body lacks energy from driving sugar out of the body. feeling hungry often and want to eat more amounts of food

3. Weight loss for no apparent reason

👉 Because the body cannot use blood sugar for energy due to lack of insulin. together with dehydration from frequent urination The body therefore needs to bring stored protein and fat to be used instead. exhaustion and unexplained weight loss

4. Itchy skin

👉 It’s a skin symptom that can be found since sugar levels start. More than 70% of diabetics will have skin abnormalities. It usually has dry, itchy skin, and in women, itching around the genitals and yeast infection may also occur.

5. Wounds easily, difficult to heal

👉 especially wounds on the feet This may be caused by abnormal nerve endings from diabetes, causing ulcers easily without feeling. or caused by the arteries in the feet caused by constriction, causing wound healing to occur more slowly than usual

6. Blurred eyes, numb hands and feet

👉 It’s a complication of diabetes. that resulted in inflammation of the nerve endings or destroy nerves

⚠ If you have the above symptoms It shows that it’s at risk of diabetes. 🩺 You should consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis. for proper treatment before the disease spread

Still not sure if your own money is at risk of diabetes? But don’t have time to go to the hospital?

📲 Consult a preliminary doctor online easily through the MoDee app.

Just follow these 5 steps:

  1. Download the app, click>> Then select the profile menu. to register for use
  2. Go to the home page of the app, press the search bar, select the department or condition you want to consult. For diabetes, the Department of Internal Medicine is recommended.
  3. Choose the doctor you want to consult and make an appointment by selecting the desired date and time. Then choose the type of consultation as video call, call or chat, then make payment. or enter the discount code (if any)
  4. Enter the chat room in the app. to consult a doctor at the appointed time
  5. Waiting for the conclusion of the consultation from the doctor along with a prescription (if any) where you can order medicines and wait to get the medicine at home

💬 Ask for more information at Line ID: @mordeeapp

👉👉 Read health information fromandpopthe Dr. Dee, more information, click >> https://mordeeapp.com/th/article

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