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Belarusian opposition’president objection’ wins the 2020 Sakharov Human Rights Award

Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tihanovskaya participates in the Sakharov Human Rights Awards ceremony at the European Parliament Building in Brussels, Belgium on the 16th (local time). EPA=Yonhap News

The Associated Press reported on the 16th (local time) that the Belarusian opposition in Eastern Europe, which has been in anti-government protests for four months against the President, who has been in office for 26 years, won the Sakharov Prize in 2020.

The Sakharov Human Rights Award is awarded by the European Parliament to individuals and organizations that have contributed to the protection of human rights and liberty. It was enacted in December 1988 to commemorate Andrei Sakharov, who was exiled after criticizing his country’s invasion of Afghanistan as a Soviet nuclear physicist.

The awards ceremony held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, was represented by Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tihanovskaya. “If Belarus does not have freedom, Europe cannot be completely free. “We ask Europe and the world to stand with Belarus.”

In power since 1994 ‘The last dictator of Europe’ Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko confronted Tihanovskaya in the presidential election on August 9. An easy victory was expected due to full support to the opposition, but the results of the counting showed that President Lukashenko received over 80% of the votes.

President Alexander Lukashenko, who is called'the last dictator of Europe'.  Reuters = Yonhap News

President Alexander Lukashenko, who is called’the last dictator of Europe’. Reuters = Yonhap News

On the 19th of the same month, the European Union said there was a flaw in the Belarusian presidential election process. I will not admit the election results.Said. On the day of the counting, opposition protests took place nationwide, but President Lukaschenko mobilized military and police to suppress it, and on September 4, the 6th Inaugurated as presidentdid. The EU has imposed sanctions on President Lukasenko and his aides.

Even today, non-violent protests continue in Belarus. Military police armed with tear gas, flash bullets, and police rods were used to suppress the protests. With over 30,000 cases of arrests known so far, OppositionHas been criticizing human rights violations, including torture and rape of protesters arrested by Belarusian authorities. The AP said thousands of protesters were beaten by the military and police, and four were killed.

On the 16th, Tihanovskaya uploaded photos of protesters while expressing their feelings of the award.  AFP=Yonhap News

On the 16th, Tihanovskaya uploaded photos of protesters while expressing their feelings of the award. AFP=Yonhap News

During the award, Tihanovskaya lifted photos of Belarusian citizens demonstrating on the streets and announced that the Sakharov Prize was dedicated to them. He said to 27 European countries, “It is not’intervention’ to stand up for democracy and human rights. It is the duty of each country.” “Your solidarity and voice are important. But more importantly, action.”

Still, Tihanovskaya said, “Is there anything better than being recognized as a free thinker? “Is there a better motivation for us to continue?” “We are meant to win. And we will win.”

The Chairman of the European Parliament David Sasolly paid tribute to the Belarusian opposition. “We see the courage of these people, the courage of the Belarusian women, their trials, the indescribable abuses and violence. Their aspirations and determination to live in a democratic country are inspiring us.”

On the 16th, Tihanovskaya and Belarusian opposition politicians are receiving cheers from supporters in front of the European Parliament in Brussels.  EPA=Yonhap News

On the 16th, Tihanovskaya and Belarusian opposition politicians are receiving cheers from supporters in front of the European Parliament in Brussels. EPA=Yonhap News

Reporter Lee Byung-jun [email protected]

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