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Beijing’s Foreign Aid Medical Team: 55 Years of 830,000 Diagnoses and Treatments

Beijing: About 830,000 diagnoses and treatments were made in 55 years – Health News Network – Health Portal”id”:”491389″,”toptitle”:”Achieving the “Five Persistences” and increasing the accuracy of foreign aid medical services”,”toptitle_color” :””,”title”:”Beijing: About 830,000 diagnosis and treatment visits in 55 years”,”title_color”:””,”subtitle”:””,”subtitle_color”:””,”crtime”:”2023-11- 06 09:44:21″,”condition”:”Source: Health News”,”thumb”: “” Reporter Yang Shijia

On November 3, the 55th Anniversary Work Conference of Beijing’s Foreign Aid Medical Team and the Work Summary Meeting of the Foreign Aid Medical Team were held. It is understood that over the past 55 years, Beijing has dispatched 56 batches of foreign aid medical teams to 12 countries and regions, with a total of 1,054 people. They have diagnosed and treated about 830,000 patients, rescued about 169,000 critically ill patients, and completed about 209,000 surgeries.

Li Wei, deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation of the National Health Commission, said at the meeting that Beijing insists on closely integrating the city’s high-quality medical resources with the needs of recipient countries, and in dispatching health policy consultants and promoting China-Africa friendship hospital construction pilot projects, etc. It has made useful explorations and provided experience that can be used for reference, replication and promotion, serving the country’s overall diplomacy with practical actions, and continuously enhancing the friendship between our country and the people of the recipient countries.

Gao Jian, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, pointed out at the meeting that Beijing’s foreign aid medical work has achieved the goal of adhering to the unification of medical assistance and public health assistance, adhering to achieving common progress through project cooperation, adhering to serving the country’s overall diplomacy and demonstrating a great power. image, insisting on flexible and diverse dispatch methods and forms, and adhering to the “five insistences” of people-oriented. Beijing’s foreign aid medical work will further expand the scope of medical and health cooperation and exchanges, increase the accuracy of foreign aid medical services, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of the foreign aid medical system and building a human health community.

According to reports, the foreign aid medical teams dispatched by Beijing currently include the 30th batch of Chinese medical teams to aid Guinea and the second batch of Chinese medical teams to aid Vanuatu, which are still performing missions abroad. Since 2018, Beijing has innovated cooperation models and working mechanisms and successfully completed the “China-Africa Friendship Hospital Construction Pilot Project” approved by the State Council. Relying on the high-quality medical resources in the capital, this project has systematically and comprehensively improved the diagnosis and treatment level, management level and core competitiveness of the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital, achieving Guinea’s goal of “professional treatments such as neuromedicine, critical illness and trauma cannot be carried out in Guinea.” “Vision.

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2023-11-06 01:44:21

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