Home » today » Business » Beder Camacho’s attorney notes that his client is asking for guarantees for his life after receiving threats

Beder Camacho’s attorney notes that his client is asking for guarantees for his life after receiving threats

Beder Camacho, former undersecretary of the Presidential Office of Pietro castle, he received death threats over the phone and fears for his life. This was stated by his lawyer, Jefferson Cortez, who assured that his client asked for guarantees for him and for his entire family.

“He told me that he is afraid for his life and that of his children. He also received a phone call last week and they only told him: ‘Traitors die’. This is why my sponsor asked for guarantees yesterday. Power of attorney, “he said in the program Everything is known from RPP News. In that sense, he added that his client was unable to identify the voice of the person who made the threat.

on visits to embassies of Venezuela and Mexico He declared that he did not know the reasons why his client went to those places, but that in any case he had to defend himself before the accusation.

“My sponsor did not tell me what he went to do there. Let’s say he would have told me, but he will also have to issue a release to the Prosecutor’s Office, so since we are in this preliminary investigation, it would be unwise to talk about it”, he clarified. .

Camacho was captured as he entered the Mexican embassy and the Venezuelan ambassador’s residence in Lima to seek political asylum from justice fugitives Bruno Pacheco, Fray Vásquez and Gian Marco Castillo, according to a statement from an effective collaborator.

The recordings and photographs taken by the Special Squad of the National Police have been broadcast since Sunday Panorama.

Cortez instead pointed out that his client participated in all the tax subpoenas because he was deemed the Public Ministry not to ask for preliminary imprisonment like the rest of the detainees in “Operation Valquiria II” carried out last week. He just had to go along with the search of his house.

“They took a series of laptops, some USBs, cell phones, notebooks and documents that he had at home,” he said, adding that the collaborator’s version that Camacho threw cell phones overboard and burned the notebooks of the head of the House. Military will have to be confirmed.

Camacho concludes his work at the MIMP

The Women’s Ministry issued a resolution to stop the work of Beder Camacho, who was working as an advisor to the current head of that sector, Claudia Dávila Moscoso, a position of trust she had held since September 16.

The decision comes after the arrest of the members of the ‘Gabinet in the shadows’. As is well known, Beder Camacho was identified to be part of this group that would be linked to the government.

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