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Be careful with sharing photos of Christmas dinners on social networks! -CyberSecurityNews

The Spanish Data Protection Agency urges caution when sharing images of festive events, warning of possible repercussions on the digital reputation of the people involved.

As we approach the holidays, many people begin to organize Christmas dinners and lunches with co-workers, friends, sports groups, etc. . However, it is necessary to give an important notice to keep in mind about the handling of photographs taken during these events, as they could have unexpected repercussions on the digital reputation of the people involved, as reported by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). .

Sharing photos on social networks is common in these celebrations, but the AEPD warns about the potential risks that may arise from these publications. What seems fun in the moment could have unintended consequences in the future, as Images shared on the Internet can have a reach beyond what was initially anticipated.

The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has issued a notice about the dissemination of photos or videos on the internet without the consent of the people who appear in them. Although it may seem harmless to share festive moments, these posts could affect the digital reputation of those who appear in the images.

“It is essential to be aware that once a photo is posted on a social network, it can spread widely, even when the profile is set so that only friends can see the content,” warns the AEPD.

Digital reputation, in many cases, can be more significant than offline reputation. Therefore, the importance of obtaining people’s consent before sharing their images online is emphasized. Additionally, those who appear in the photographs are urged to be vigilant and, if they do not wish to have their photos published, They have the right to request the removal of that content.

The AEPD provides detailed guidance on how to exercise these rights and how to request the removal of unwanted photos or videos on the most popular social networks. Likewise, the possibility of submitting a claim to the Agency is highlighted in the event that an adequate response is not obtained from the social network within a period of ten days.

«Before sharing a photo or video on a social network, it is essential to be aware that the information shared can be seen by third parties, even without the user’s knowledge.«, emphasizes the AEPD.

The Agency advises social media users to be cautious when sharing content and ensure they obtain prior consent from those who may appear in their photos before posting them online.

2023-12-07 01:18:26
#careful #sharing #photos #Christmas #dinners #social #networks #CyberSecurityNews

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