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Bad Berneck: Day of the decision in the city council – Bayreuther Land

How big is the scope?

The city has been trying for months to measure this leeway. In December 2020, the city council postponed the decision that was already pending at the last minute at the request of Robert Fischer. The Ministry of Finance was asked whether a waiver of contributions would endanger the stabilization aid. In the answer from the Ministry of Finance, which is now available, it says: In principle, recipients of stabilization aid can also grant premium reductions if, in the overall view, further consolidation can be seen. The decisive factor, however, is the close coordination with the legal supervisory authority, i.e. the district office.

Virtual top meeting

On Tuesday, representatives of the city, the city council and the district office came together at a virtual top-level meeting with district president Heidrun Piwernetz, district administrator Florian Wiedemann and the state parliament members Martin Schöffel, Inge Aures and Manfred Ländner (CSU, deputy chairman of the state parliament committee for municipal issues) to advise the location. What came out of the vote between the political and administrative side, Robert Fischer wants to present to the city council this Thursday. “The city of Bad Berneck has done its homework,” he said. Fischer announced a “real proposal” for the cost sharing between the city and the residents, which he had worked out together with treasurer Christopher Buß and finance officer Hans Kreutzer. The residents are expected to be eagerly awaiting him.

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