We will overcome crisis caused by coronavirus: López Obrador

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He assured the Mexicans that we will overcome the transitory crisis caused by the COVID-19 contingency and that the country’s economy will immediately be reactivated, to return to normal production and employment. “Not only are we going to do well facing the coronavirus, but we are going to immediately begin … Read more

Julien Fournier tackles OM about Pape Diouf

The disappearance of Pape Diouf touched French football players and fans. Julien Fournier, sports director of the OGC Nice, and former right-hand man of the Franco-Senegalese at OM (2005-2009) was very close to him. The former general secretary of the Marseille club is very touched by the disappearance of his “Baobab” and paid tribute to … Read more

Totally different … This is how Hyundai developed its new “Creta” icon.

06:05 PM Wednesday 01 April 2020 – Books – Mohamed Gamal: In recent years, Hyundai Creta cars have become one of the best sellers in the world for their quality and competitive price, and the upcoming model will carry specifications that Hyundai fans have not seen before. According to the website of Russia Today channel, … Read more