Home » today » Health » Attention, it may seem strange and may contradict common sense but genetics affect our fitness in this way

Attention, it may seem strange and may contradict common sense but genetics affect our fitness in this way

It has been seen time and again that exercise is essential. Everyone can benefit from constant training. The consequences of this are both physical and psychological. First, it increases stamina and lung capacity. Secondly, blood circulation improves visibly. As well as the musculoskeletal system. Also there mental health improves dramatically.

Exercise, however, is not the only part of being in shape. For have a perfect and toned physique you have to follow a very specific diet.

But not only. Our genetic heritage also has its say. This issue will be explored in the following lines.

Attention, it may seem strange and may contradict common sense but genetics affect our fitness in this way.

The dispute between the environment and nature

In science there is a long-standing dispute. It concerns several human characteristics. Like physical and mental illnesses, personality, career choices, physical fitness. Many believe that these are hard-wired into our DNA, therefore inherited and unchangeable. Others, however, argue that the environment plays a predominant role.

The truth, of course, lies somewhere in between.

What about physical fitness instead? Is the same thing true here too?

Attention, it may seem strange and may contradict common sense but genetics affect our fitness in this way.

Genes can make a difference

There are genetic differences between individuals. They are also reflected in training. In particular, they consist of a different concentration of fibers. Those with a higher percentage of white fibers are more likely to gain muscle mass.

Additionally, hormone levels can vary. A higher concentration of testosterone facilitates the achievement of certain results.

Finally, many people fall into the category of ectomorphs. Their metabolism is very fast. They have a very fine skeleton and small muscles. It is harder for these individuals to achieve certain goals.

So should you stop training?

Genetics, therefore, significantly affect physical fitness. This, however, is not an alibi. It can be considered an extra motivation to roll up your sleeves. Even if we start from a position of “disadvantage”.

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