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Assembly on the general public listing of PS-Place in Good: “Glucksmann finest represents the rebirth of social democracy”

The runners Raphaël Glucksmann, chief of the listing “Get up Europe” (PS and Place publique) within the European elections within the Alpes-Maritimes this Thursday. At a public assembly in Good, Pierre Jouvet (third place on the listing), Aurore Lalucq (outgoing MEP, 4th place), Kenza Athanasopoulos and Laure Quignad (candidates from the Alpes-Maritimes), gave a mini- details about their mission. “for a extra social, ecological and female Europe”.

“We current ourselves because the efficient vote of the left to take over Europe, to manage Macron, to supply a substitute for the acute proper,” stated Pierre Jouvet.

“The miracle is to have a tendency in the direction of 15%”

Round 100 contributors (120 in response to the organizers) attended a gathering of the operating mates of Raphaël Glucksmann, chief of the listing “Get up Europe” (PS and Place publique) within the European elections, this Thursday. (Cyril Dodergny photograph).

Victory for the left within the European elections? “I nonetheless consider slightly in it, in any other case I would not be right here”says Katia, an activist.

“Victory won’t occur, sadly, with RN forward within the polls,” remorse Frédéric and Colette, lifelong left-wing voters.

On June 9, this retired couple, who desires of “Ecological and Secular Europe”, you already know which poll they are going to put within the poll field.

Raphael Glucksmann “The very best that embodies the rebirth of social democracy which sadly is now not in fine condition”, believes Frederic.

“The Europeans are a sort of voting that permits us to depend ourselves. Now we have a vote of condemnation and never a vote of the norm or a vote of sanctions as for different elections. it is a miracle to have a tendency in the direction of 15% going to deliver again a part of the Macronist voters in 2007”. hope Frederic.

“Let the scattered voters on the left come again”

“What I anticipate from these elections is that the voters on the left who’ve been scattered will come again,” Michel’s formulation, “a left-wing activist all my life, within the Socialist Occasion for 40 years”.

“The opposite events did nothing, she denies. ohhas paid for the shortage of unity on the left, however right this moment individuals are conscious of the harm achieved by the bulk: pension reform, unemployment insurance coverage, immigration regulation. Glucksmann is a really severe man. It is vitally clear. After we ask him questions, he would not beat across the bush. The left is European, which was by no means the case for Le Pen, Mélenchon, and the PC. “

2024-05-23 20:41:30
#Assembly #public #listing #PSPlace #Good #Glucksmann #represents #rebirth #social #democracy

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