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Arthur, the greenest of the Hidalgo family

The eco-adventurer, son of Anne Hidalgo and Jean-Marc Germain, swims down the Seine and will arrive in Le Havre this Saturday.

In 1990, the mayor of Paris, Jacques Chirac, promised on TV to go swimming in the Seine within three years to show that it had “become a clean river”. A promise made in 1988, never honored. Thirty-three years later, it is the youngest of the current mayor of the capital who takes up the challenge. On another scale. Since June 6, Arthur Germain, 19, has been swimming the 776 kilometers of the Seine at a rate of 15 to 20 kilometers per day. Autonomously, it carries equipment and food in a kayak weighing around 100 kilos, hanging from its waist. He collects energy with a solar panel, sleeps in a bivouac and only asks people for help for drinking water. “You can be happy with not much,” he confided last Saturday when he left the water in Rouen. I have never felt so good. ”


Arthur Germain arrives in Rouen on July 17, encouraged by the public on the last meters. © Emilie Cabot/ Paris Match

His companion, Denise, in charge of his communication, and his parents, Anne Hidalgo and Jean-Marc Germain, encouraged him on the last meters against the current. His father calculates kilometers, tides and currents and plays convenience store. Test in the test, the former socialist deputy also collected the authorizations of the 340 municipalities and 13 prefectures crossed.

news/storage/images/media/images/rouen2/28809280-1-fre-FR/Rouen.jpg"/>Anne Hidalgo (accompanied by the mayor of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol) and Jean-Marc Germain (from behind) encouraged him.  In built-up areas, Arthur is escorted by civil protection.

Anne Hidalgo (accompanied by the mayor of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol) and Jean-Marc Germain (from behind) encouraged him. In built-up areas, Arthur is escorted by civil protection. © Emilie Cabot/ Paris Match

Initially, at Source-Seine, in Côte-d’Or, the Seine was only a ru. Impossible to swim. We had to start the adventure by walking for 30 kilometers with the kayak on wheels. “I was doing 0.5 km / h,” says the eco-adventurer. I lost 5 kilos because the effort was so intense. This was the period that worried her mother the most. “I was afraid that he would exhaust himself physically and mentally”, breathes Anne Hidalgo, reassured when her son – whom she calls every day – found himself in the water, his element, he who learned to swim at 2 years old and joined a club at 4. “Since childhood, he’s a joyful, open, curious boy,” adds the city councilor. He has a real inner life. I trust him. He knows his limits. ” Present at the start, as well as at the stages in Paris and Rouen, it will be in Le Havre on Saturday for the end of the adventure.

A sporting, human and environmental adventure

At the source, the water is at 10 ° C, many trees block the way. The rain was also invited for thirty consecutive days. The young man that Mike Horn inspires has received a number of encouragements, including those of Yannick Agnel, Denis Brogniart, Christian Prudhomme, Estelle Denis. Anonymous people follow him in real time or applaud him on the course. “There are so many people behind,” explains the man who swam across the Channel at the age of 16. I would rather die than stop. ”

Beyond the feat, the adventure is environmental. To identify pollution, Arthur takes water quality readings every 5 kilometers, analyzes never done. Vaccinated against leptospirosis, rat disease, swimmer, healthy and healthy diet, does not regret any skin problem or disease. “A few more small efforts and we will be able to take advantage of this immense natural space”, adds the Parisian who dreams that “one day we can all swim under the Eiffel Tower”.

After this feat, he will take a well-deserved vacation with his partner Denise. Every August, both will work on their future association to raise awareness of environmental protection. Does he have any other challenges in mind? “I have a billion,” replied the young man. I’m running out of time, no challenges ”. He will let “life guide him” and it will “not necessarily be swimming”.

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