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Angry President Donald Trump already puts interview on air …

US President Donald Trump has posted images of a chaotic interview with the program ’60 minutes’ on Facebook. You can see how the president gets into an argument with the interviewer and then leaves. Look at the bias, hatred and rudeness on behalf of 60 minutes and CBS ”, he writes on Thursday.

The long interview should have been broadcast on Sunday. Trump is now putting it online early, which is an unusual way to go. “Just be fair,” says the head of state at the beginning of the video. “I wish you would interview Joe Biden the way you interview me.”

It can be seen that the president is annoyed by the critical questions from veteran interviewer Lesley Stahl. He asks him, among other things, whether he wants to have the previous president Barack Obama and rival Joe Biden locked up. “Obama and Biden were spying on my campaign,” Trump said. “That has never been proven,” the journalist argues. To which the president says that the program is sweeping under the carpet in favor of Biden.

Trump also lashed out in the Facebook message at journalist Kristen Welker, the debate leader at his second and final election debate with Biden, Thursday evening. She is “worse,” said the president.

Trump has a tense relationship with some media outlets. He complained in his conversation with Stahl that his opponent Biden never gets critical questions in interviews. The media has “discredited itself”, he told CBS. “Enough is enough,” Trump says at the end of the clip. He abruptly ends the interview and leaves.

In a later Facebook post, Trump also shows an excerpt from the interview with his running mate and Vice President Mike Pence. “More bias, more hatred and more rudeness,” he adds.

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