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Android competition praises iPhone SE | Macnotes.de

Android Police praises Apple’s iPhone SE. In the test, the editors wish that there was only one Android smartphone in the price segment that had almost as good performance data.

Indeed it is Apple succeeded with the iPhone SE. However, if the Cupertino company maintains the release cycle – three years between the first and second generations – the paint will eventually get scratched. Because what is still great today will be less next year and then even less.

What does the competition on the iPhone SE praise?

Android Police agrees that the price-performance ratio of Apple’s second-generation iPhone SE is right. The device has a good camera. The processor is on par with flagship devices. In addition, the workmanship is high quality and does not feel like a mid-range smartphone.

Wireless charging and water resistance are features that are often not found in mid-range Android. The prospect of five years and more with updates is a selling point and there are many more.

exceptions prove the rule

But Android Police The iPhone SE not only praises about the clover, but also has things to complain about. The smartphone “naturally” uses the wrong operating system and the battery in the device is not convincing, especially if the smartphone is heavily used. The screen resolution is rather low for a 2020 device and the testers also noticed that the smartphone does not offer a jack or USB-C.

iPhone SE since mid-April

From 479 euros you can buy the iPhone SE with 64 GB of memory. Variants with 128 and 256 GB are also available for an additional charge. Apple released the device in mid-April. The smartphone continues to use Touch ID and does not use Face ID. But that’s quite right for some buyers.

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