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an investigation opened after damage to the mosque

The Bondy mosque (Seine-Saint-Denis) suffered damage this Wednesday, July 28, as shown in the photos relayed on Twitter by the mayor of the city Stephen Hervé. An individual launched sports trophies on the building this Wednesday morning, breaking three windows and damaging a canopy.

The Bobigny public prosecutor’s office indicates that it has opened a investigation for these degradations, which was entrusted to the Bondy police station. The town hall asked the municipal police to make more rounds in the area of ​​the mosque.

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The mosque, inaugurated in 2005, is “the first real mosque built in Seine-Saint-Denis”, indicates the site of the department’s tourist office. the French Council of Muslim Worship “strongly condemns the act of vandalism to which the Bondy mosque was the victim” on Twitter and “expresses its full support to those in charge and to the faithful of the mosque”.

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