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An electronic bracelet for the dreux car arsonist

Crossing the anti-crime squad on the night of December 17 to 18 and being controlled by these police officers while he was carrying a 5-liter can of gasoline did not dissuade him from taking action a few hours later. . The man set fire to his son’s car in front of the old Le Delta cinema in Dreux. The fire spread to other cars and to the facade of the old building.

This 43-year-old Drouais, who was already under judicial control, was arrested Friday, December 24 by the police, after spending a few days in hospital for an attempted suicide. Placed in custody, he appeared in court this afternoon, Monday, December 27.

Dreux: a 43-year-old man suspected of having set fire to a car in front of the old Delta cinema

At the helm, this father, whose story seems complicated, is prohibited from seeing his three children. A caregiver for more than twenty years, in a hospital in the department, he explains to the judges that he acted against the background of alcohol problems, depression, but also in response to anonymous letters sent to his employer.

The defendant is indeed indicted in another intra-family affair, the subject of which was not directly addressed at the hearing, but simply mentioned in the background during the debates.

“He suspected his son or his wife of being responsible for these letters”, specifies the president of the court. Addressing the defendant, he adds: “What you have done, that does not solve anything, you realize? “

The Drouais recognizes the facts without difficulty, apologizes, and justifies: “I went nuts after these anonymous letters, and suddenly, I did anything. “

“In this type of case, I am always very worried”

“In this type of case, I am always very worried,” said the prosecutor. He recalls that the destruction of property of others by dangerous means is the only common law offense punishable by ten years in prison. He proposes a ten-month prison sentence, five of which are suspended.

Me Xavier Torré, the defendant’s lawyer, returned to the psychological fragility of his client, partly linked to his previous indictment. “In general, in such a situation, one suffers without knowing it. It is something very hard to live with. And these letters which dirty him were sent to his employers, to the unions. He knows everyone knows. It is a formidable mechanism, a kind of judicial suicide. “

Found guilty, the accused was sentenced to ten months in prison, including five months suspended probation for two years, with obligation to care, to work, to compensate the victims, and prohibition to come into contact with them.

He will not sleep in prison: the sentence will be arranged in the form of an electronic bracelet.

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