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Amazon Drought Reveals Mysterious Stone Carvings of Human Faces from 2,000 Years Ago

2023/10/24 23:35

A severe drought hit the Brazilian Amazon, and strange stone carvings of human faces reappeared in front of the world. (Reuters)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report]Global warming has caused extreme weather, and the Brazilian state of Amazonas has suffered a historic drought. The water level of the Amazon River has dropped to its lowest point in history, and a large area of ​​​​the river bed has been exposed. However, this has also exposed the stone carvings of human faces more than 2,000 years ago, and Some symbols emerged.

comprehensive“Reuters”《BBC》According to reports, Jaime de Santana Oliveira, an archaeologist working at Brazil’s National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), said on Monday (23rd) that stone carvings previously discovered on the banks of the Amazon River have recently been destroyed due to the During severe droughts, the water level drops, and more types of stone carvings emerge.

Oliveira said excitedly: “These carvings may be from the pre-Columbian period or even earlier. We cannot yet accurately determine their age, but they are estimated to be about 1,000 to 2,000 years old. More now Various stone carvings have been found, which help us determine its origin.”

The place where these stone carvings were found is located in Ponto das Lajes on the north bank of the Amazon River, near the confluence of the Rio Negro and Rio Solimoes rivers and flows into the Amazon. From the photos exposed by Reuters, we can see that most of these stone carvings are human face patterns and some symbols, which are weird and mysterious.

A severe drought in the Amazon has revealed stone carvings of human faces from 2,000 years ago. (Reuters)

A stone carving of a human face from 2,000 years ago. (Reuters)

Weird human face pattern resurfaces due to Amazon drought. (Reuters)

2,000-year-old stone carvings of human faces in the Amazon. (Reuters)

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2023-10-24 15:35:01

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