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Already know? Here are 5 Weight Loss Foods

These five weight loss foods are recommended for consumption if you are on a healthy diet program.

Having the ideal weight would be the desire of almost everyone, both men and women. Losing weight is certainly not easy, it requires perseverance and strong effort coupled with regular exercise and food consumed must also be considered nutritional intake. Quoted from various sources, here are five weight-loss foods that are recommended for consumption if you are undergoing a healthy diet program.

1. Citrus fruit

Citrus fruit is known to contain lots of vitamin C which can increase immunity. Eating oranges will help keep your intestines healthy, reduce your appetite and help eliminate fat. Not only oranges, fruit grapefruit can also help burn fat efficiently thanks to the womb phytochemical high, and enzymes that can help break down sugars and fats so that the metabolic process becomes faster. If your metabolic process is smooth, you will lose weight more easily. You can consume half the fruit immediately grapefruit or drink the juice before lunch or dinner to keep your meal portions from overdoing it.

2. Avocados

The “good” fat contained in avocados can help you burn unhealthy fat, keep you full, control cholesterol, and make your heart healthy. In addition, avocados also include fruits that are high in fiber, so they can help you lose weight. However, consume avocados in a balanced amount, if you eat avocados in large quantities will actually make you gain weight.

3. Salmon

Fish that are high in “good” fat can help you release unwanted fat. Good fats can also make you full longer, thus making you eat less. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce weight gain and increase body metabolism.

4. Foods high in probiotics

Probiotics in food can help the digestive system break down and digest food better, which means you will get more nutrients from the food you consume, thus making you full longer.

5. Berries

Berries are rich in fiber which can provide longer satiety and facilitate digestion, so that it can help you lose weight. Not only that, fiber is also important for controlling blood sugar and making the heart healthy. While the content of polyphenols in berries can help you burn fat.

(Foto Courtesy of  Roman Iegoshyn©123RF.com)

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