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Alpine skiing: Matt is involved in victory in Zagreb

Manuel Feller initially made a comeback after his herniated disc, which had last put him out of action. The 27-year-old Tyrolean is in seventh place behind the Frenchman Clement Noel (0.27), the Italian Manfred Mölgg (0.31) and the Swede Andre Myhrer (0.36) (0.50). Fabio Gstrein surprised with start number 53 with the eleventh fastest time (1.08). Marco Schwarz was only 22nd behind, 1.52 seconds back.

The Carinthian, however, is in good company, because the two season winners Henrik Kristoffersen and Alexis Pinturault could not cope with the icy slope on the Sljeme in the first run. The Frenchman, who had won his home race in Val d’Isere, was 14.1.12 seconds back after a mistake at the key. Kristoffersen, who won in Levi, is in 21st place 1.50 seconds behind Zen houses.

Matt satisfied with his “speed”

From the ÖSV perspective, Matt, who had already led the five-time winner Marcel Hirscher on the local mountain in Zagreb in 2018, placed himself in the best starting position for the decision. Above all, the Tyrolean had an impressive start phase and was 0.22 seconds ahead of Zenhausen in the second split. In the flat section, however, Matt lost time on the Swiss, who drove heavily in this area.

“After the transition on the way, I no longer had the turns as much on the move. It also occurred to me that I had a little wind in the flat. From that point of view, it fits very well as I am there, “explained Matt, who is confident for the decision, in the ORF interview:” My speed is right, I feel good and am looking forward to the second round. “

Zen houses with instinct for guidance

Zenhouses goes into these for the first time in his career as leader. Like Petra Vlhova, the 27-year-old made the best of start number one for the women. “A super ride from the first goal to the finish. I didn’t even feel the way the others had trouble. That was pure instinct. In any case, I got it right. It’s pretty tight up front, so the motto remains full attack, ”said the Swiss.

Zenhauser’s run for the intermediate tour

The Swiss Ramon Zenhäusern, starting number one, delivers the fastest time in the first round.

Feller surprised by himself

Despite his long break, Feller also went on the attack and was surprised by his performance at the finish. “I never thought that things would go so well myself. I immediately noticed that I got into driving very well. But it is brutal how quickly you are no longer used to the burden. In the middle part, I couldn’t do the short print anymore. That no longer came from the force. But it is a very, very good starting position, ”said Feller.

Feller’s trip to seventh place

Manuel Feller tackles the first round in his familiar style and surprises with the seventh time.

Bad luck, however, had Dygruber, who was very well up to the key point, but threaded there. “Until then I did everything right. It hits me. If I come across it, I can push the ski flat. I had no respect for the job. I’ve already seen that it’s a little bad there. But I didn’t expect it to be so aggressive. Then the gate was already between our feet, ”said the Lower Austrian. Johannes Strolz also left at this point.

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