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Air France and Transasavia win the bid on traffic rights for Aigle Azur

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) published, on January 16, 2020 in the evening, the list of airlines that will recover the traffic rights of the deceased Blue Eagle, which mainly served Algeria.

Eleven companies have applied for full or partial allocation of these operating rights. Requests for which there was sufficient availability of traffic rights were dealt with on a case-by-case basis” , has indicated the DGAC. Air France and its low-cost subsidiary Transavia are winning the deal by obtaining numerous traffic rights to Algeria, but Volotea and ASL Arlines France are also recovering routes from Lyon, Lille and Paris.

Towards the Algeria, Transavia is granted traffic rights to Paris-Algiers, Paris-Oran, Paris-Béjaïa, Paris-Constantine, Paris-Sétif and Paris-Tlemcen, Lyon-Béjaïa, Lyon-Constantine and Lyon-Oran as well as the possibility of increasing its capacities on the Lyon-Algiers line. Air France subsidiary also obtains traffic rights to Lebanon : 4 weekly frequencies on the Paris-Beirut line as well as a weekly frequency respectively on Lyon-Beirut and Montpellier-Beirut.

For its part, Air France obtains Marseille-Algiers, Nice-Alger, Toulouse-Alger and Toulouse-Oran. ASL Airlines France recovers Paris-Béjaïa and Paris-Annaba, Lille-Alger and Lille-Oran, and also Lyon-Algiers. Finally, Volotea wins Bordeaux-Algiers, Lyon-Sétif, Marseille-Annaba, Marseille-Béjaïa, Marseille-Constantine, Marseille-Oran, Marseille-Sétif and Marseille-Tlemcen.

On the long haul to Brazil, Air France obtains an additional weekly frequency to operate either the Paris-Rio de Janeiro route or the Paris-Sao Paulo route. For its part, low cost French Bee wins 4 weekly frequencies in Paris-Sao Paulo.

At the beginning of December, the Association for the Coordination of Hours (COHOR) had already distributed the Aigle Azur flight slots from Paris-Orly Airport.


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