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Aftershocks continue: new earthquake shakes the Atacama region | National

A new aftershock of the earthquake registered early Tuesday was felt on Wednesday night in the Atacama region.

On this occasion, the telluric movement occurred 55 kilometers northwest of Huasco, with a magnitude of 4.6 degrees, at 11:23 p.m.

According to the National Seismological Center, the earthquake was registered at a depth of 30 kilometers.

An hour earlier, in the same area, the instruments registered another of 3 degrees, not noticeable, along with a string of lesser magnitude that also occurred between noon and 3:00 p.m. this Wednesday.

Until yesterday, the balance of Onemi had registered 90 aftershocks after the main movement of 7 degrees of magnitude registered in that same area.

Meanwhile, preliminarily, the entity indicated that no damage to people, alteration to basic services or infrastructure were reported as a result of this latest earthquake.

SHOA, for its part, indicated that the characteristics of the earthquake DO NOT meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami off the coast of Chile.

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