Home » today » News » Affordable housing inaugurated in the Bronx for the most vulnerable | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Affordable housing inaugurated in the Bronx for the most vulnerable | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

of scooters without insurance orsearch through the streets andsidewalks.íctor: it’s getting more and more expensivelive in new york, that’s itfacing a crisis forlack of affordable housing andspace. mariela saltado usnotice that there is a ray of lightfor neighborhood residents.Mariela: a very important dayfor this neighborhood in the bronx.elected officials arrived hereon today’s day, his owndevelopment commissionerurban was here to unveila beautiful building where they go tolive people who in someyou forgave a health problemmental. those families do not haveto pay rent in thiscity. the new building andmodern stands out in this neighborhoodfrom the bronxhas more than a hundredof accessible units.>> this is one of the units.Mariela: but this is good newscontrast with reality andcrisis that is experienced in the restof the city where no dwellingseconomic, nor salaries thatcan pay the astroomicsrents.>> they have the money that I don’thad in the past to be ablepay for something there.sis a 2/4 apartment,$2,500 to $3,000 a month.those with assistancepublic only pay 215 toMariela: for the first time, theaverage monthly rent exceededlos $5000.this marks a 29% increasefrom 2021, when the rentaverage was just over $3900.in a city that already asked gaveabout 96,000 rental unitsand it cost less than $1500.development commissionerurban tells us that the crisishousing is a priority.>> the mayor said it today andhas said from the first day,that we have to createhousing for the assneedy in our societyand in our city, in allthe neighborhoods.mariela: this seems to be themayor Adams Formula,deal with two things at once,homelessness and poverty.people ended up with unitseconomics and also peoplethat they were helpless now

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