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Actors and actresses who are ashamed (and very much) of some of their roles

There are many actors who deny the characters they have played for different reasons. Today we will meet 10 actors ashamed of some of their most mythical roles, or not so much.

It doesn’t always rain to everyone’s liking, and the world of cinema is no exception. Throughout many decades of films, some characters have been immortalized as great milestones in the history of the seventh art. Not even the person who conceived them remembers others, of course.

However, there are times when great characters are embodied by actors and actresses who, for different reasons, end up being ashamed of their involvement in a certain movie or franchise.

Today at HobbyConsolas, we meet 10 actors and actresses who are ashamed of some of their biggest roles (or not so much). Naturally, the list could be much longer, because there are soooo many movies …


In the early 2000s, Halle Berry was living her golden dream in the Mecca of Cinema. Bond Girl, Storm in the X-Men saga … Warner selected the actress to play Selina Kyle in the Catwoman movie they were preparing. Everything seemed to be perfect.

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“Looked like” was the key word. Catwoman was very, very far from expectations and Halle Berry ended up “thanking” Warner for the opportunity given to ruin her career with just one movie..


Batman may seem like one of the dream roles to play on the big screen. The Dark Knight of Gotham is associated with the names of actors such as Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck, and of course George Clooney.

Well, don’t ask good old George what he thinks of Batman and Robin and their time wearing the cloak of Gotham’s vigilante. The actor is very given to elaborate when it comes to being ashamed (and apologizing) for his performance in the film directed by Joel Schumacher.


It is possible that Sex and the City and its sequel (in addition to the homonymous series) is one of the most representative roles of Sarah Jessica Parker. However, the film sequel received numerous hits from fans and critics.

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Parker went on to admit that “There was not a single day that I did not want to participate in the filming of the sequel”. Although it must also be said that the actress “understands” that the film brought them great profits.


Being a grumpy vampire is not one of Robert Pattinson’s favorite memories. The actor has spent much of the last decade stepping away from any commercial movie until he was offered the role of Bruce Wayne. en The Batman.

Pattinson has not been short when it comes to admitting how upset he is to have played Edward in the Twilight saga. And without a doubt he has shown with great performances that he is much more than that character.


It is very difficult to imagine a saga like Harry Potter without Daniel Radcliffe playing the young wizard who studied at Hogwarts and who faced Voldemort with courage and determination. Although Daniel Radcliffe himself would like to imagine it.

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The actor attributes his inexperience when he was selected for the role to many blunders that, being today a much more seasoned actor, he has seen what he committed during the filming. We all have to learn in some way, Daniel, and we believe that as far as possible, you have done well.


It is not very difficult to find out why Ben Affleck is ashamed of his involvement in the Daredevil movie. His portrayal of Matt Murdock was far off the mark, and the character was not adequately developed at the script level.

If years later a guy like Charlie Cox comes to you and punches the table in the Netflix series Daredevil, it is normal for Ben Affleck to hate his performance in the film.


If we think of a combo of a director like M. Night Shyamalan and an actor like Will Smith, we would start to salivate. The downside is that if we say that the result of that union is titled After Earth, things change radically.

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Will Smith even said that After Earth was “the biggest failure of his career”especially since it involved his son Jaden Smith. The film is forgotten in a drawer, and it is only remembered when we have to talk about cases like this.


But what are you telling us, Cazallas? Sean Connery is considered by many fans as the best James Bond. He brought the character to life in 7 films and was partially responsible for shaping the charisma Agent 007 is known for.

However, Sean Connery admitted in an interview “hate that damn James Bond”. We do not know for sure if he was joking or if he really hated his participation in the franchise, in any case we thank him for his service at MI6.


Many fans have a hard time assuming this, but Harrison Ford isn’t exactly in love with the character of Han Solo. Star Wars fans are well aware of Ford’s requests to George Lucas after The Empire Strikes Back to “kill the character”.

He finally managed to get away with it in The Force Awakens, although we don’t understand why he considers one of the saga’s most beloved characters “silly and secondary”. But everyone with their tastes does what they want, right?


It can be said that Matt Damon owes a lot to his Jason Bourne character, even a small dose of embarrassment. The actor focuses his regret on the film The Bourne Ultimatum, although he purifies his guilt and destines it to screenwriter Tony Gilroy. Damon believes that the script “was unreadable” and that the film overall was a very poor ending to the trilogy..

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With this we finish our review by some actors and actresses who are ashamed of their roles. As we have said, the list can be much longer. We encourage you to talk about the cases that have been left out and get to know them.

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