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Absolutely not, the flu shot isn’t for everyone…

Sounds unbelievable but it happened again during this pandemic that won’t stop going and we’ve been going there for three years. Health authorities confirmed during the Health Pulse within the Presidency’s morning conference that the flu vaccine “is not for everyone”, that it is not universal and that “healthy young people get biological flu from the most vulnerable groups”, such as children, pregnant women, people with comorbidities – such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer and cardiovascular disease, among others – and the elderly, who are most exposed this cold season.

Wouldn’t it rather have to do with the 2023 budget cut for the purchase of anti-Covid vaccines for next year?

On the other hand, the health authority has only been able to recognize that for at least four weeks there has been an increase in cases of Covid-19, due in particular to the end of autumn and the beginning of the winter season.

However, the health authority reported that this increase in the number of Covid-19 infections was not reflected in the increase in hospitalizations, which remain at 4% and 2% in ventilator beds.

Thus, in hospitalizations there has not been an increase of the same rate, since the occupation of general respiratory infections requiring hospitalization has increased by only one percentage point, which stands at 4%, and, instead, the ventilated beds, which are for the seriously ill remain stable at 2 percent.

The Federal Ministry of Health (SSa) recalled that in the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, respiratory viruses practically did not circulate, mainly due to the confinement and the implementation of health measures, but this time, in 2022, there it’s already a regular season of cases that will ramp up until mid-January.

To date, 24 million 86 thousand 715 doses of the flu vaccine have been applied, whose vaccination campaign began on October 3, which constitutes an advance of 62% of coverage and is expected to reach 70 percent by the end of December.

I wish there were vaccines for everyone.

The medical device industry is booming

Few industries are as dynamic and constantly growing as medical devices. For this reason, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) and the Mexican Association of Innovative Industries of Medical Devices (AMID), presented the study “Knowing the medical device industry”, which offers an economic overview of the production, of employment, wages, prices and foreign trade flows of this industry.

As we know, the medical device industry includes a wide range of products, such as face masks and gauzes, magnetic resonance imaging diagnostic devices, and electroencephalographs, among others. Furthermore, the study identifies the three economic activities that best reflect its economic behavior.

This joint effort between AMID and INEGI acknowledges, from the outset, something obvious: this sector had significant growth in 2020 and 2021 due, in particular, to the Covid-19 pandemic, which contrasts with what happened in most part of the economic sectors.

While it is possible to consult the complete study, in 2021 the production of disposable medical materials was the most important production activity in the sector. The production value reached a market value of 13,780 million constant pesos (mdp), which is equivalent to an increase of 11.1% compared to 2020.

It was also revealed that exports of medical devices exceeded imports. From 2003 to 2020, exports grew by an average of 8.6% each year and imports by 7.9%.

In 2020 exports reached 10,668 million dollars (millions of dollars) and imports 5,244 million dollars, with which a balance of trade was generated of 5,424 million dollars, which had a positive impact on the national economy .

In that year, Mexico exported 96.7% of the total medical device merchandise to the United States of America. This percentage is equivalent to 9,653 million dollars. Merchandise from the medical device industry was mainly imported from the United States (60.7%) and China (12.0%). Both countries accumulated 72.7% of total imports.

To learn about the study, please see this web link: https://www.inegi.org.mx/app/biblioteca/ficha.html?upc=889463907145

Lung cancer, forgotten by the health sector

The United Front for Lung Cancer (FUCP) and the Center for Economic and Budgetary Research (CIEP) also presented the research paper “Estimating the cost of care for lung cancer”, which highlighted how lung cancer has been historically forgotten by public health institutions and that, today, people without social security are in a situation of high vulnerability, since care and treatment are not guaranteed.

By 2021, lung cancer treatment costs for the population without Social Security represent, on average, 18.5 percent of IEPS income from tobacco, so it would be possible for federal agencies to cover part of the cost of treatment for people who do not have social security.

Although it has not been made public, in December 2021 the Istituto di Salute per il Benessere (Insabi) planned interventions for the treatment of lung cancer for the first time, through Fonsabi, which constitutes progress, but still not sufficient.

In this framework, the FUCP presented the campaign #TimeToAddwhich calls for the various sectors to make a real commitment to patients and caregivers.

the first aid kit

  • And would you apply the Cuban Abdala vaccine, which has not been authorized by the World Health Organization, as a booster dose? Me niether…
  • Incredible, but the strike continues at UNAM Liceo 2 “Erasmo Castellanos Quinto”. Despite efforts by the university authorities to untie the knot, this has not been possible. In order not to waste any more time, it was announced that remote lessons will resume on December 5, but many teachers did not want to hold lessons online, above all in order not to expose themselves to sabotage and threats from the students on strike. Many times they even call students to classes via Zoom or some other platform, but at the moment of truth they keep them standing, resulting in the disappointment of the student body… And meanwhile, the education is fine, thanks. ..

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