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A1 accused Cornelia Ninova of populism and non-market actions

Cornelia Ninova PHOTO: Archive

“Cepiozniyat politichecki otpop, koyto cpeshtame, e ppodiktyvan from the popylizam, a DO NOT from the nay-dobpiya intepec na potpebitelite. Polyata na dapzhavata and chactnoct na Minictepctvoto na ikonomikata and indyctpiyata e ea namepi nay-dobpiya balanc mezhdy nyzhdite na bizneca and this refined na kpaynite Unfortunately, the communication is not carried out with the aim of finding a mutually beneficial solution, but through pressure and non-urgent messages, which is why

Tova e pozitsiyata na “A1 Balgapiya” for guidance povod vchepashnoto peshenie na Komiciyata charter zashtita na na zabpani potpebitelite ea ea telekoma aktyalizipa tsenite ci cppyamo inflatsiyata charter dve nazad Year Award – charter 2020 and 2021 The Toolbar ima ppavo ea them indekcipa c makpoikonomicheckite pokazateli camo charter this year. The decision of the governor came at the personal expense of the Minister of Economy and Industry Kopnelia Hinova.

“Inflation in the country is a fact and it has a negative impact on all sectors of the economy at the expense of the prices of fuel and electricity and electricity?” Ha cazhalenie vmecto ea ce fokycipa vapxy ictinckite ikonomichecki ppoblemi, Minictepctvoto na ikonomikata and indyctpiyata tapci application, Easy nachini charter otvlichane na vnimanieto, kato atakyva edna from the indyctpiite, koyato otkpito and ppozpachno komynikipa c klientite ci ppedctoyashti ppomeni na FLOOR PLANS “, ce pocochva oshte in pozitsiyata na telecoma.

Bcyaka nameca na dapzhavnite inctitytsii in ppotseca na na cvobodno ppedlagane ctoki and yclygi tpyabva ea bade in caotvetctvie c pazapnite ppintsipi and deyctvashtoto zakonodatelctvo and nie design could otctoyavame pozitsiyata ci in low vcichki ppedvideni from the zakona nachini and nay-dobpiya intepec na nashite Client’s.

From the telekoma pocochvat, flashover ca gotovi ea cadeyctvat na na Minictepctvoto ikonomikata and indyctpiyata ea paboti in low ocvetlyavaneto and pazpeshavaneto na na ictinckite ppoblemi telekom indyctpiyata, kato pipatctvoto na avtopcki televizionni ppava, izbyagvane zaplashtane na DDC and dpygi danatsi, polzvane na nezakonni fikcipani mpezhi.

“Ha momenta mozhem ea potvapdim, flashover” A1 Balgapiya “vchepa polychi zapoved, izdadena from the Komiciya charter zashtita na potpebitelite, c koyato ocnovanie na na na Zakona charter zashtita potpebitelite ocpopva izbpaniya from the nac nachin charter indekcatsiya na tsenite. Bazhno e ea ce otbelezhi, flashover zapovedta DO NOT zabpanyava indekcatsiyata in low ppintsip, a oznachava, flashover DO NOT ce ppiema planat na kompaniyata ea izvapshi indekcatsiyata na edna ctapka, vmecto na dve, kato January otlozhi makcimalno in vpemeto. This means that no one denies us the right to index. This possibility has been ingrained in our contractual relations for many years and we have never used it. We had the right opportunity to index last year as well, as we did at the beginning of this year, but we did not do it. Until recently, we have been trying to get rid of inflation and not to raise our prices, but in the long run this is no longer possible, so it is impossible.

In the last two years of the pandemic, we have proven that our services are key to the normal flow of society and economic life. Balgapiya beshe edna from the ctpanite in koito potpebitelite DO NOT ycetixa ppetovapvaneto na mpezhite charter pazlika from the peditsa evpopeycki dapzhavi and nie ocigypixme cvapzanoctta, neobxodima charter nopmalnoto fynktsionipane na gpazhdanite, inctitytsiite and bizneca.

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