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A young guy suddenly died in the center of Berdyansk

The guy suddenly passed out and died

The Berdyansk police confirmed the death of a person. The identity of the deceased is now being established.

In the Zaporozhye region, in Berdyansk, a 25-year-old guy suddenly fell and died on the street. The doctors failed to save him. This was announced on Friday, August 6 Berdyansk 24.

It is reported that the tragic incident took place at about 14.00 on Gorky Street in the city center.

According to eyewitnesses, the guy was walking along the embankment when he suddenly felt bad and he lost consciousness.

The witnesses called 103 and called an ambulance. The arrived doctors tried to resuscitate the young man, but this did not help, and the guy died.

The police confirmed the death of a person.

The identity of the deceased is now being established. Also, during the examination, the cause of the guy’s death will be found out.

Earlier in Berdyansk the woman fell from the balcony of the ninth floor… She was saved by the fact that she caught on the windowsill between the floors.

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