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A vitamin bomb against the flu. Here is the fruit that will surprise you!

With October now, we all want to know how to protect our health in view of the first cold. It is recognized that proper nutrition helps strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, we know how essential it is to take the right amount of ascorbic acid, more commonly known as Vitamin C.

But not everyone is aware that consuming this fruit is enough to meet the daily requirement. And just one is enough! A vitamin bomb against the flu. Here is the fruit that will surprise you!

What causes vitamin C deficiency

The importance of this vitamin in our body is fundamental. If we don’t take enough, we take a lot of risks. First of all, we are more prone to catch flu viruses and other infections. Then, our joints start to ache. Eyesight is also at risk!

Not to mention the feeling of fatigue already in the morning. Our bones and our moods suffer.

These examples are enough to understand how vital it is to have a sufficient level of this vitamin to carry out the normal functioning of our body.

A vitamin bomb against the flu. Here is the fruit that will surprise you!

The fruit we are talking about is a kiwi! We all probably know that kiwi is really precious from the point of view of the presence of vitamin C. But not everyone knows that its brother, the yellow kiwi (called kiwi gold) contains almost double it!

While in 100 grams of green kiwifruit there are about 85 mg of ascorbic acid, in the yellow one you find 161.3! So, it really is a “gold mine”!

The majority are from New Zealand. They are in season between May and October and can also be eaten with the peel, if they are organic.

But if you have trouble finding them, don’t panic! Green ones, among other things, often grown in Italy are also fine. Just eat a little more, without exceeding two fruits a day.
Curiosity: the Bel Paese is number one for the production of green kiwifruit.

For more tips ahead of winter, read the article on velvety heart warmers.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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