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A sensational discovery against cardiovascular events to have clean arteries and blood vessels

On more than one occasion We at ProiezionidiBorsa editorial staff have talked about how to regulate the cholesterol molecule using foods or specific diets to avoid excess in the blood. One of the most popular theories is that if it is not possible to lower the cholesterol defined as bad then the alternative would be to raise the “good” one.

Let’s start by saying what the difference is between the two types of cholesterol. The first concerns lipoproteins low density known as LDL. They have the task of transporting cholesterol through the blood, releasing it to the cells of our body and to our tissues.

The latter, on the other hand, concern high-intensity lipoproteins known as HDL or the so-called good cholesterol. Their job is to transport cholesterol from the arteries to the organs that use it and eliminate it.

They are called the scavengers of our body because they collect the excess cholesterol present in the blood and carry it to the liver.

A sensational discovery against cardiovascular events to have clean arteries and blood vessels

Having explained this difference, it is therefore possible to understand why some think that to eliminate excess cholesterol from the blood one could increase the “good” one when it is not possible to decrease the bad one.

But is it really so? A sensational discovery against cardiovascular events to have clean arteries and blood vessels. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed this interesting thing.

That is how a low level of good cholesterol is a risk factor for our heart but even if it is increased this risk does not tend to decrease.

The survey was carried out in the Ontario region with a sample of 631,000 people (40 to 105 years old) who had no previous heart disease.

The results of the research

The result of the analysis showed that the idea of ​​raising HDL to combat “bad” cholesterol (LDL) is disproved. To confirm this scientific evidence is the professor of internal medicine Maurizio Averna of the School of Medicine of the University of Palermo. Specifically, if you try to reduce bad cholesterol, then the result is a reduction in cardiovascular events such as strokes and heart attacks.

On the good cholesterol, however, it is known that its role is only to transport it in the opposite direction, from the plaques to the liver. Obviously it is good that the good cholesterol is kept high because if it is low, the risk of cardiovascular events increases. But according to experts, the scientific evidence stops there.

What is the optimal value of good cholesterol?

Specifically, the value of good cholesterol must be for women over 50 while for men over 40, but within 70 mg it is always possible to have positive effects.

So the conclusion is always that of a balanced and balanced diet because it is much more important to act on the cholesterol known as bad.


3 simple items to open this refreshing fruit that could improve good cholesterol

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