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A roaming network of prostitution dismantled, nine people arrested

Nine members of a family network of pimping africa in particular Saint-Etienne, Lyon and Toulouse, were arrested at the same time the last week in these three cities.

In pre-trial detention, the heads of networks, two brothers of 32 and 24, who have asked for more time to prepare their defense, will be presented Tuesday to the judge of freedoms and detention of Saint-Etiennesaid the prosecutor of the Republic of Saint-Etienne, David Charmatz, during a press conference, Monday, June 15.

The start of the investigation, in October 2018, has been caused by the defenestration of one of the victims of the first floor of a house in Balbigny (Loire), where she was trying to escape the pimps are violent, who operated a dozen young women, including two minors.

165 000 € in cash seized

Pierre Pascaud, head of the research group inter-ministerial (IRM) of Lyon, has been estimated at nearly 800 000 €, the payout of this network over the past two years, with activity interrupted for more than two months of confinement.

The searches resulted in the seizure of 165 000 € in cash and a large quantity of jewellery, for its part, has indicated Laurent Lesaffre, commander of the research section of the gendarmerie of Lyon.

The public prosecutor of saint-etienne has pointed out that the two known offenders of the justice at the head of this organization had enlisted their mother, agent hospital, as well as an aunt and a cousin, she also inserted socially with an activity as an employed person, to take care of the logistics, including booking of the apartments rented by the week for prostitutes.

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