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A man in his fifties accused after the accident – NRK Vestland

Police released a man who was arrested after a A woman in her fifties was found dead at sea in Nordvik outside Sagvåg in Stord at 06:30 on Saturday.

The woman was reported missing from her family.

The man in his fifties was charged with the case. The man has now been questioned and released as suspicions have subsided, police wrote in a statement this evening.

It has been explained to the police, but now we do not want to go into what the defendant said in the interrogation. Suspicions of the man have faded and he was then released, but he still has the status of a defendant, says attorney Tor Arvid Bruskeland, who claims that the defendant and the deceased knew each other.

Early stage investigation

Police say it is too early to conclude what happened.

The deceased was sent for an autopsy. In addition, forensic investigations at the crime scene and interviews with witnesses were conducted. This work continues. We ask for your understanding that we need to be reticent with information at the stage we are in now, says Tor Arvid Bruskeland.

FOUND DEAD: The woman in her fifties was found dead at sea outside Nordvik in Stord.

There were findings at the scene and other information that led to a man in his fifties being arrested a little later and accused of leaving a person in a state of helplessness.

Police have previously said the case will be investigated extensively.

The area where the woman was found is in an area close to several residential buildings.

LOCATION: Police are working in the area where a woman in her fifties was found dead on Saturday morning. Someone put out a lantern near the dock.

Photo: Eli Bjelland / NRK

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